Seduced by Magic

Seduced by Magic by Cheyenne McCray

Book: Seduced by Magic by Cheyenne McCray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheyenne McCray
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ground. But he maintained his grip and managed not to roll over again, despite the power of his momentum.
    When he could focus his gaze he took in the being on top of him—the woman in his arms—as she raised her head. Shock coursed through him like wildfire as he recognized her.
    â€œAsk and you shall receive,” she murmured before he could say a word. “I wished for a gorgeous man and I got one.” She rose and sighed as she straddled him. “Sorry to break it to you, but I really would rather have gone home.”
    â€œCopper Ashcroft?” Tiernan managed to get out despite the fact that the air had been knocked from his lungs.
    The woman placed her palms on his chest, pushed herself out of his arms, and scrambled off him. “You know me?” Her cinnamon eyes were wide and disbelieving. “Who
    Tiernan eased himself to a sitting position so that he was looking directly at Copper. Her hair was mussed and her Faerie kisses stood out against her now pale complexion. She looked dizzy, as if she might faint.
    He steadied her by grasping her shoulders. For a moment he couldn’t speak, and she remained silent, with her lips parted. She had an amazed and shocked expression on her features. She looked almost exactly like her picture except that her hair was longer and she was even more beautiful—the picture had truly not done her justice. She smelled of apples and cinnamon.
    â€œOkaaaaaay.” Copper’s heart pounded so hard her breasts actually ached. “Try telling me what’s going on. And who are you?”
    The man’s grip was so tight on her arms that she was sure he was going to leave bruises. “Tiernan,” he said in an Irish brogue, his features composed as if he slammed into women every day. “I am Tiernan of the Tuatha D’Danann.”
    The extra jolt of her heart sent blood rushing to her head and she wondered if maybe her magic had backfired so badly that she was imagining things.
    â€œD’Danann? The Fae warriors?” She shrugged away from his grasp. “This is nuts. Where did you come from?”
    She tried to catch her breath as Tiernan held up his hand and gave her a sign to slow down. She took a deep gulp of air that somehow didn’t want to move past her pounding heart.
    â€œI know your sister,” the man called Tiernan said. “Silver has a picture of you that she keeps in her home.”
    Copper couldn’t stop another rush of questions. “Is she all right? What’s happened? Ohmigoddess . . . did she summon you? Why would she take such a risk? Where is—”
    Tiernan put his finger to her lips and shushed her. “There are only so many questions I can answer at a time.”
    Copper nodded and bit her lower lip, trying to keep from grabbing him, shaking him, and begging him not to talk so blessed slow.
    â€œYour sister is doing well,” he said, his deep blue eyes focused intently on her. “Silver summoned me and my brethren to assist her and the D’Anu Coven in battling the Fomorii.”
    On hearing this, she couldn’t keep her mouth shut. “The ancient sea gods? The demons sent to Underworld?”
    The infuriatingly calm man gave a single nod. “There has been a battle—or better to say several battles—in your city of San Francisco.” When she nearly busted out with more questions he held up his hand and she bit her lip again. “But we defeated a good number of them.”
    â€œI had dreams,” Copper let spill out. “Of what must have happened. I didn’t know for sure if they were just dreams, but they must have been visions.”
    Tiernan wondered just how much information he should give her. Copper’s mother was dead, and no doubt that was something she didn’t know. It should be up to Silver to tell Copper once they returned to San Francisco. News like that should come from a family member with those Copper

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