Seduced by a Dragon (Erotic Horror)
and old magnolia trees with long curtains of moss. Veiled
in the foliage as if suggesting secrecy.
    A porch light flickered as we walked up the
concrete steps to my place. The roofline slightly drooped to one
side. Its two main support columns were delicately sculpted with
wood overlays, as if an afterthought, and heavily weathered, as
some hung loose or missing. Ivy encircled the columns, their
tendrils clung at their bases as if slowly squirming their way
    I swiped a cardkey at the door and heard it
click unlocked. A standard-sized door, one built for humans, it was
only three feet wide, and its door jamb had worn due to abrasion
from my scales. I slipped the key back into my leather waist pouch
and zipped it closed. I opened the door and motioned for her to
walk inside.
    “Oh—so this is your place?” she said,
slurring her words slightly as I followed inside. She looked around
the living room with its dingy decades-old paint and rusty
steel-reinforced furniture. “Everything is so … so … big!”
    “You’ve never been to a dragon’s home
before?” I said, closing the door with a click. I padded over and
stood next to her in the center of the living room as she turned to
look around. The carpet was worn to the concrete under our feet,
and all four walls had wallpaper sporting the sickly, outdated deco
designs of the 2030's, and near the water-stained ceiling, every
strip was peeling and lifting at their corners. To the left, a
couch sat along the wall, its leather cushions split and well-worn.
Heavily-curtained bay windows on the wall opposite were covered in
dust and cobwebs and looked as if they hadn't been opened in
    “Naw. I’ve only been with two dragons who had
their own place,” she said. “Brothers, but they never took me
there. They did me in the back of their pickup truck. Heh. I used
to use the dragon restroom at the back of the bar for fooling
    I raised an eyeridge quizzically. “Used
    “One fucker got into it and pushed me into a
toilet while I was bending over for him. Anyway, I guess I should
have expected, you know, the size thing. Everything has to be
bigger when you’re a dragon, right?” She giggled, plopping
playfully onto my couch, looking like a small half-grown hatchling
against its broad expanse.
    Or like a fawn with nowhere to run. My
stomach lurched. God was I hungry.
    I took a hesitant step toward her. Gone was
the easy confidence I'd had with the first few feedings. Stupid. I
was second-guessing myself now. “Uh … what do you do?”
    She shrugged. “I’m a sales rep at a
pharmaceuticals firm.”
    Just keep her talking, put her at ease. These
monkeys could be quite slippery if they felt threatened, but
fortunately xenophiles had high thresholds. I ran a gentle claw
down a wavy length of hair beside her cheek. She shivered, then
smiled brightly up at me. “So I assume you like to play
    “Depends. Sometimes I enjoy anticipating a
... ah, an encounter.” I’d almost said meal. Careful, make sure
she’s completely trapped before you reveal anything. “Why don’t you
remove your clothes?” I said matter-of-factly. Dragons were known
for their bluntness, while humans meandered, and might eventually
get to the point.
    She beamed, all playful anticipation.
    I removed the leather belt pack from around
my waist and hung it on a wall hook near the front door. It was the
only “clothes” I wore. Dragons were usually seen with fanny packs
out in public and nothing else, unless they were at work, and then
uniforms were usually required.
    The little morsel laid her purse at the base
of the couch, and began to undress. She took her time, peeling away
her shirt and jeans, swaying her hips back and forth as she looked
into my predatory gaze. I had enough of an understanding of human
women to know she was doing her best to seduce me. In other
circumstances it might have been tempting, to a degree.
    My stomach grumbled.
    My claws splayed out

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