Lane (Made From Stone Book 1)

Lane (Made From Stone Book 1) by T Saint John

Book: Lane (Made From Stone Book 1) by T Saint John Read Free Book Online
Authors: T Saint John
wraps her legs around my back forcing my cock inside her. THANK FUCKING GOD! Her pussy returns the pounding by violently clamping down on my cock as I unload inside her in long, hot jets. The sensation of her pulsating pussy milking my cock finishes me and I collapse on top of her, our sweat soaked bodies still tangled together.
    I continue to lie on top of her, kissing her neck. At the same time, my mind is going to places I never thought of and I’m scared. My uncle told me I’ll know I found the woman I was going to marry the first time I stuck my cock in her. I’ve been with multiple women and I honestly believed pussy was pussy. I was so wrong. As much as I want it, a relationship can’t happen between us. She has so much living to do. I slowly pull out and put my game face on. She told me she was ok with being used so I need to make her feel that way, even though my heart is screaming for me to keep her right here.
    “Well thanks,” I say standing up, grabbing my towel.
    “Lane?” she questions in a sweet voice that makes my heart ache. But I have to ignore my heart and I have to keep up with the charade.
    “Where are your clothes Mallory?” I ask, trying to sound distant.
    “The living room,” she says quietly. I walk into the living room to get her clothes for her, and when I walk back into the bedroom I’m immediately concerned as I rush to Mallory’s side.
    “Are you ok?” I ask quickly. I know women bleed a little when they lose their virginity but this is a lot.
    “I’m fine,” she says with ease, like nothing is wrong.
    “You’re not fine, Mallory. There’s blood all over my sheets!"
    “Honestly, I’m fine. I promise.” She says as her face flushes. FUCK! Why can’t I comfort her? Why can’t I be hers?
    “Go, Mallory. Please,” I whisper. I feel complete shame for fucking her the way I did and now kicking her out.
    “Lane?” she questions. I just can’t look at her. She has to be feeling like I used her like some prostitute.
    “Mallory, go. I told you once it was over you’d be getting kicked out. Take the hint and go. Don't ever come back. Forget where I live, and forget me.” I say with my back to her. If I face her, I won't be able to walk away from her. I walk into my bathroom and nearly collapse on the sink. A few moments pass before I hear my door close. Once it does, I lose it. I slam my fist into my mirror and throw everything off my counter. I’m a fucking sick bastard. I fucked my virgin student. Why couldn’t I resist her? I have so many thoughts running through my mind I don’t know what to do. As my mind becomes a complete cluster fuck, I come to the realization that what happened between us was not a mistake. She isn’t my student and she’s an adult. She’s been an adult for quite some time. She still has a life to live, but Mallory Carter is no mistake.
    I head into the shower because I have to get her blood off my dick. It’s covering me and it's a reminder that I just used a virgin. I fucking used her. FUCK LANE! You fucked her bare. Christ! I have condoms stashed all over my apartment. I didn’t even think about it. And in truth if I had, I don’t think I would’ve worn one. The feeling of us, flesh on flesh isn’t a feeling that can compare to anything else. Oh my God. FUCK!!! I feel myself losing it even more than I already was. I stand under the freezing shower for a long time trying to wash this feeling away. My arms are pressed against the wall and my head is down in shame. The guilt doesn’t ease, in fact, it gets worse.

6 weeks later
    “You’re pregnant?” Amy and Olivia look at me surprised, as I lay curled on my bed crying.
    I nod shamefully.
    “What are you going to do?” my sister questions. I start UIC next week and I have a ton of decisions to make.
    “I don’t know. I didn’t plan this.” I mumble through sobs. I’ve already made my mind up that I’m having this baby. I don’t know what it means for my future, but

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