Secrets of the Deep

Secrets of the Deep by E.G. Foley

Book: Secrets of the Deep by E.G. Foley Read Free Book Online
Authors: E.G. Foley
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full of wonders.
    Then he went off by himself to explore while Maddox stood stationed at their landing spot to offer a hand as the others began climbing out into the sunken temple, one by one.

    Devil of the Deep Blue Sea
    A t about that same time, high up in the schoolroom chamber in a pink tower atop the Coral Palace, Sapphira closed her eyes and concentrated on her song.
    Like their cousins the sirens, all mermaids wielded power in their voices, but it was a difficult piece, rising and falling like the waves, and it required hours of practice.
    Of course, it was a great honor to have been chosen to perform the ancient ceremonial chant this year, opening the annual Assembly of the Sea Kings. But the Hymn to the Moon had to be performed with reverence and precision. Neither of which were really her forte.
    Professor Pomodori listened intently, making sure she was pronouncing every line with the correct inflection.
    She hoped she’d get it right by September.
    Representatives from all the kingdoms and royal families of the merfolk would be present at the annual congress, and this was the first time Sapphira would be old enough to join the adults there. Pro-Pom had warned her they’d all be watching her closely, as the future queen of Poseidonia. For now, she was mainly expected to behave herself and watch and listen and learn.
    Until the big event, to be held at summer’s end off the coast of Easter Island, her tutor had a whole list of subjects she had to brush up on: protocol, languages, the latest political situations, and a review of major current events in all the great nations throughout the Seven Seas.
    Her father’s realm was just one small kingdom out of many, after all. But she was determined to make her homeland look good by her performance, and if at all possible—though it probably wasn’t—to make her father proud.
    For once, Sapphira didn’t mind. Ever since that strange day by Calypso Deep, her rebellious attitude had changed. She had been thinking a lot lately about Atlantis and how it pertained to her own responsibilities as the future queen of her country.
    If a whole empire could sink itself through its own mismanagement, then maybe she had better get serious and start putting a little more effort into her studies.
    Professor Pomodori had been pleasantly surprised that she had not ditched her lessons in nearly a month. She trained harder than ever with Tyndaris, and went daily to attend her father in the throne room.
    Watching King Nereus, she took notes on how her father handled his courtiers and all their scheming factions; how he decided on decrees, or determined how to allot the kingdom’s resources, and finessed the many matters of state clamoring for his attention.
    Her new focus on her duty pleased the adults around her, but her little sister was puzzled by it and even a bit suspicious.
    No matter. The reasons for Sapphira’s change of attitude remained her own. After all, she wasn’t allowed to talk about what had happened.
    But the truth was, the whole incident with the orb had sobered her about her future responsibilities. As crown princess, one day she’d be responsible for her entire country. She had always known this, of course, but somehow it had never fully sunk in till now.
    And that was why she had decided to keep the orb.
    As pleased as her tutor was about her new dedication to her studies, she doubted Pro-Pom would’ve been very happy if he knew she had never followed his instructions and thrown it back into the Calypso Deep.
    Why should she? Once the old merman’s hysteria over the thing had faded, such a move seemed irresponsible, in the cold light of reason.
    If the orb was really as powerful as her tutor claimed—and her abilities as leader were as questionable as Father had long predicted—then maybe she might need it someday.
    A little extra ace up her sleeve to give her an edge in dealing with the kingdom’s rivals and enemies when she was

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