Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion

Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion by Ph.D. Paul A. LaViolette

Book: Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion by Ph.D. Paul A. LaViolette Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ph.D. Paul A. LaViolette
Tags: New Science
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    The basic research and technology behind electro-antigravitation is so much in its infancy that this is perhaps one field of development where not only the methods but the ideas are secret. Nothing therefore can be discussed freely at the moment. Very few papers on the subject have been prepared so far, and the only schemes that have seen the light of day are for pure research into rigs designed to make objects float around freely in a box . . . long term aims . . . envisage equipment that can defeat gravity.
    Aviation Report,
August 20, 1954
    Anti-gravitics work is . . . likely to go to companies with the biggest electrical laboratories and facilities. It is also apparent that antigravitics, like other advanced sciences, will be initially sponsored for its weapon capabilities. There are perhaps two broad ways of using the science—one is to postulate the design of advanced type projectiles . . . The other, which is a longer term plan, is to create an entirely new environment with devices operating entirely under an anti-gravitic envelope.
    Aviation Report,
August 24, 1954
    Some extremely ambitious theoretical programs have been submitted and work towards realization of a manned [anti-gravitic] vehicle has begun. On the evidence, there are far more definite indications that the incredible claims are realizable than there was, for instance, in supposing that uranium fission would result in a bomb.
    Aviation Report
, September 7, 1954 27
    An October 1954 report refers to Brown’s 1952 Winterhaven Project proposal and indicates that the Pentagon was about to begin funding the development of electrogravitic aircraft:
    Under the terms of Project Winterhaven [1952] the proposals to develop electro-gravitics to the point of realizing a Mach 3 combat type disc were not far short of the extensive effort that was planned for the Manhattan District. Indeed the drive to develop the new prime mover is in some respects rather similar to the experiments that led to the release of nuclear energy in the sense that both involve fantastic mathematical capacity and both are sciences so new that other allied sciences cannot be of very much guide. In the past two years since the principle of motion by means of massive-K was first demonstrated on a test rig, progress has been slow. But the indications are now that the Pentagon is ready to sponsor a range of devices to help further knowledge. . . . Tentative targets now being set anticipate that the first disc should be complete before 1960 and it would take the whole of the “sixties” to develop it properly, even though some combat things might be available ten years from now. . . . The frame incidentally is indivisible from the “engine.” If there is to be any division of responsibility it would be that the engine industry might become responsible for providing the electrostatic energy (by, it is thought, a kind of flame) and the frame maker for the condenser assembly which is the core of the main structure.
    Aviation Report
, October 12, 1954 28
    Note that the October report mentions Brown’s flame-jet high-voltage generator concept as a means for generating electrostatic energy and suggests that such a device would be developed by the jet engine industry. A November 1954 report describes the Air Force’s first attempts to draw up specifications for the development of an electrogravitic vehicle and notes that the goal of a Mach 3 combat saucer would be possible through an extrapolation of technology available at that time:
    Specification writers seem to be still rather stumped to know what to ask for in the very hazy science of electrogravitic propelled vehicles. They are at present faced with having to plan the first family of things—first of these is the most realistic type of operational test rig, and

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