Secrets of a Former Fat Girl

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Book: Secrets of a Former Fat Girl by Lisa Delaney Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Delaney
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past. It protects you from the external distractions—the critical comments, the probing questions, and the spoken and unspoken doubts—so that you can focus on the task at hand: getting healthy, getting fit, and getting stronger and more confident. But what about your inner critic, the voice inside whose favorite words are “you can’t” and “never”? The next chapter will reveal the secret to dealing with the saboteur inside.

Chapter Three
    Secret #3: Adopt INO: It’s Not an Option
    I had a mantra before I really even knew what one was. Here’s how it all started: I was a pretty good student in high school, getting mostly A’s and B’s (except for that completely unfair D in trig that I’m still bitter about). I wasn’t quite as smart as “The Brains,” as we called the kids at the top of the class, but close enough that I counted some of them as friends.
    What kept me from superstudent status, I think, was less about pure ability and more about my study habits. Oh, I did my work (a good girl wouldn’t slack on homework), but I wasn’t the kind of kid who toiled away at the kitchen table late at night agonizing over a paper on some obscure historical event or drilling myself on the anatomy of a fetal pig. No, by 10:00 P.M . I was snoozing.
    I just didn’t have the drive to excel. Maybe, I think now, it was because of my desire to stay invisible. I couldn’t be the kid who won first prize at the science fair or who was chosen to read her A+ essay aloud to the class or who was singled out in any way. I held myself back, afraid of that blinding spotlight that would show every little failure and flaw.
    In college, though, I learned to appreciate the value of the all-night study session. It was partly an image thing. I was the only one in my senior class headed to the 2,500-student campus in Austin where I’d chosen to spend my undergraduate years. I saw college as a chance to start over, to shed some of the nerdy image I’d been saddled with since grade school. After all, no one knew me. Oh, anyone could tell by looking at me that I was a Fat Girl, but other than that, there was no preconceived idea of where I belonged in the social structure of the place. At my school there wasn’t even all that much of the typical college caste system where the lowly freshmen are not to fraternize with upperclassmen. Plus, no one knew my history. They didn’t know, for instance, that the guy who took me to the senior prom got my name off a list of girls who were still dateless three weeks before the dance. (Anyone who was anyone, of course, had a boyfriend or was paired up months in advance.) They didn’t hear about the time I started my period in the most obvious way, all over a pair of pale green elastic-waist pants, and walked around the school, oblivious. They might have noticed that I was a Fat Girl—had to, actually—but they didn’t seem to quite get what that meant. And that was just fine with me.
    It’s not like I all of a sudden did a 180 and became some uninhibited, outspoken, take-charge kind of girl with a social calendar as packed as Paris Hilton’s. But I did feel more comfortable reaching out to the girls in my dorm and was more receptive to their efforts to reach out to me. It didn’t hurt that most of them were in the same situation as I was. They were from all over—New York, Virginia, Florida, and other towns in Texas—and didn’t know anyone, either. We all needed one another, so there was less risk of rejection than I’d experienced trying to navigate my clique-heavy high school.
    Even so, the last thing I wanted to be pegged was as a nerd, and only a nerd would be organized and conscientious enough to be finished studying in time to get eight hours of sleep the night before a test. No, the cool kids had to cram, and I wanted to be one of the cool kids.

    There was a more practical

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