Secrets at Silver Spires

Secrets at Silver Spires by Ann Bryant

Book: Secrets at Silver Spires by Ann Bryant Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann Bryant
a time. When I saw the crystal winking up at me, I screeched “Yesssss!” at the top of my voice, and Grace hugged me tight.
    â€œI had to scrape up loads of soil,” she said, breaking off the hug. “Look at my disgusting black nails!”
    I thanked her about a million times as I put this last missing teardrop with the others and we jogged back to Hazeldean together on our way to see Miss Carol. When we were almost there Grace broke into a giggle. “Sorry I tricked you,” she said. “I couldn’t resist it!”
    I laughed. “That’s okay.” Surprisingly I didn’t feel at all nervous any more now I’d got all eight pieces of glass, though I couldn’t help tensing up when we stood outside Miss Carol’s flat. “You will come in with me, won’t you?” I whispered.
    â€œCourse I will,” said Grace. And without hesitation I knocked on the door.
    â€œCome in and sit down, girls,” said Miss Carol, a welcoming smile on her face as always. “What can I do for you?”
    I took a deep breath and held out my hand with the eight crystals. I was watching her carefully and her eyes were out on stalks. “Oh!” She seemed stuck for words. “Wh…where did you find them?”
    And that was the first moment that it ever occurred to me that I needn’t have worried about being expelled or anything because if I wanted I could simply tell a lie.
    In the long grass at the side of the athletics field.
    Amongst the rhododendrons that line the drive.
    In the laundry room.
    There were so many possible lies I could tell, but I knew it would be stupid to tell any of them, so I told the truth. And I finished off by saying, “I’m really sorry. I know I should have spent more time trying to read the notice on the door in the basement, but I was so excited about my art project…”
    Miss Carol leaned forwards and patted my hand. “It was brave of you to hand them in, Jess.”
    â€œWill you…will you tell Ms. Carmichael it was me?”
    She nodded. “Yes, I will, but Ms. Carmichael won’t need to share that information with anyone else, so don’t worry.”
    I thanked her, and Grace and I got up to go a few minutes later. But when we were almost out of the door, Miss Carol suddenly said, “So what exactly were you going to use the glass for?”
    â€œOh, just something for my art project, but it doesn’t matter. I’m not even entering the art exhibition now.”
    â€œOh dear, that’s a shame. Why is that?”
    I shrugged. “I don’t like the piece I’ve done any more.”
    Miss Carol frowned and repeated that it was a shame, then we all said goodbye and that was that. The dreaded deed was done and I felt so much better.
    â€œAre you double-certain about not entering the art exhibition, Jess?” Grace asked me as we walked over to supper.
    â€œYes,” I said, my crossness flaring up again. “The figures aren’t right without eyes. They’re not how I imagined them.”
    â€œYou’re not just kind of…punishing yourself?” Grace said then.
    I hesitated because I didn’t know what she meant, then shook my head firmly and said, “No. I don’t want people looking at my art when I can’t bear to look at it myself.” Then inside my head, with a heavy sadness, I added, Especially not Brian Hodgson.
    â€œSure?” Grace tried again, quietly.
    And she gave up after that.

Chapter Ten

    None of my friends could persuade me to change my mind about the art exhibition. They all looked at me as though I was totally mad when I just kept shrugging and said I simply wasn’t bothered about it any more.
    â€œBut I don’t get why you’ve changed your mind,” said Georgie. “I mean, what’s different now from when you first started the project?”
    â€œI just

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