Secret of the Wolf

Secret of the Wolf by Susan Krinard

Book: Secret of the Wolf by Susan Krinard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Krinard
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– 19th Century Werewolf 03
    Page 83 of 455
    But what had he borne? Had Quentin Forster been a soldier? His words and expression
    during the episode implied it. Many former soldiers had turned to drink to blot out
    memories they couldn't tolerate. She had visited asylums housing men driven insane by
    the War. Most could not be cured .

    Not by conventional methods. Not while so many asylum superintendents and
    neurologists believed that all madness was hereditary or came from physical lesions in
    the brain. Papa had never subscribed to that conventional belief. "Insanity," he had said,
    "is never simple.”

    Johanna turned at the end of the row and moved to the next, plucking a leaf from a
    dangling branch. Insanity was never simple, nor was her as-yet-unproven theory. It was
    still new, tested only by the smallest increments for the safety of her patients. But she'd
    begun to see results .

    The first time she and Papa had witnessed what she called "mental retrogression,"
    she'd been treating Andersen under Papa's supervision. While Andersen was
    hypnotized, he began to speak, spontaneously and unpredictably, of events that had
    occurred in his past—events that had clearly contributed to his illness .

    Papa had been fascinated, ready to pursue this new avenue with his customary
    impetuosity. But Andersen had come out of his trance, and they'd had to postpone a
    second attempt. Papa's attack stopped any further exploration of their discovery .

    But Johanna had never forgotten. During the past year she had taken it up again. She
    began cautiously, meticulously guiding Andersen into a past he was unwilling to speak
    of outside the hypnotic state. She walked with him through the very ordeals that had
    twisted his mind into its present illness .

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    And the treatment was working. Slowly, step by painfully slow step, it was working.
    Lewis had improved. Her tentative theory came into being, fragile as a new grape in
    spring .

    The mind hid from itself. It was able to conceal its own darkest desires, its greatest
    fears, those most unpleasant memories it did not want to remember. And when it did so,
    it inevitably warped the personality out of its proper channels. Until those thoughts and
    memories were exposed to the light of the conscious mind .

    Johanna had become more and more certain that her new method, based upon Papa's
    work, was the right one to pursue. Why, then, did she question herself when she
    thought of treating Quentin Forster with that same method? As if by fate, he had
    appeared on her doorstep—a man who might prove to be the perfect subject: easily
    hypnotized, suffering from unbearable memories of his past, but clear-minded enough
    to cooperate. And to wish for healing .

    But he was not a "subject." He was as real and important to her as any of the others, for
    all the briefness of their acquaintance .

    Johanna unclenched her fingers and let the crushed leaf fall. This idle speculation was
    unproductive; she'd already made the decision. She'd assured Quentin that she would
    help him, tried to allay his natural fears. She must not doubt herself if she was to
    succeed .

    She went back to the house, pausing to throw feed to the chickens. That was usually
    May's job, as was collecting the eggs, but the girl had neglected her duties this morning .

    Reminded of the letter in her pocket, Johanna drew it out and opened the envelope.
    Mrs. Ingram's missives from Europe were infrequent, always sent general delivery and
    without a return address, but at least the woman made some inquiries after her
    daughter's welfare, and expressed the intention to come for her eventually. What she
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    did across the ocean she kept to herself, except for her occasional hints about working
    to make sure that she and May need never live in fear again .

    Johanna kept the letters hidden from May. Until

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