Secret Admirer
Chapter One
    My footfall echoed in the damp concrete stairwell leading to the private garage below my new apartment. Thankfully, I didn’t have to de-ice my car like when I lived in Rhode Island, but I still rushed to turn up the heater, combating the early morning January air before setting off on my maiden commute. The day before, I’d driven around my new town of Hartford, Connecticut to get an idea of the travel time and to search for coffee shops, grocery stores, and a dry cleaner. I was thrilled to find a small, non-franchise coffee and sandwich shop along the route to the office. I left what I hoped would be enough time to stop in for a cup on Monday. The first day was too important to risk my caffeine addiction on the unknown coffee situation at work.
    I pulled my sporty hybrid into a spot right in front of the aptly named Fresh Start Café. The irony did not escape me. A loud overhead door chime announced my entrance. Though still not quite perky, I gave a weak smile to the few people who instinctively turned. I ordered a large cup to go and walked past the glass case of pastries toward the counter along the far wall offering the requisite sugars, creamers, stirrers, and lids. I only needed a lid, but that proved to be more challenging than I could’ve imagined. I struggled to secure it while avoiding a spill, but I couldn’t produce a seal.
    “They are a bit tricky, but the upside is once they’re on, they’re on for good.”
    Upon hearing a sexy—yet friendly—male voice, I looked up and blushed upon discovering the face matched the voice. He had medium length, messy, brown hair and soft blue eyes framed by amazing eyelashes. I caught myself staring and quickly looked away and resumed my mission with a renewed effort.
    “Yes, snug I guess. You’re right.” Thankfully the lid made a satisfying pop at that moment indicating my victory in the lid battle. I quickly straightened, my hands shaking in time with my racing heart. I wasn’t expecting to run into a cute guy first thing in the morning. The combination of surprise and attraction woke me better than any cup of French Roast could.
    The cute guy finished preparing his coffee and tossed his wooden stir stick into the open trash can. “Have a good one.” He walked away, humming an upbeat tune.
    I envied him. I wanted to be a happy, humming morning person too. Maybe if I saw his welcoming face at the start of each day I could be. I hoped this was part of his usual morning routine; buying coffee at the Fresh Start would certainly be mine. A cute guy like that could do wonders for my mood. I imagined seeing him again and kept grinning during the remainder of the commute.
    Five minutes later, I arrived at my new office building. My heart rate increased once again at the anticipation of a new job. The building itself was a bland, beige, brick and identical to the others in the office park, but the construction was recent and inviting. I stood outside the exterior door before entering the building for a moment to compose myself and take in the enormity of what I was about do—start over.
    This would be my third actual, real-adult job. Technically, this new position was considered an internal move—a transfer to a new office and, of course, a new city, but within the same company. New, but not so new. Change, but nothing monumental. How very me.
    My anxiety was erased when I exited the elevator and entered Pearse and Associates. The lobby was identical to its Providence branch. Even the generic air freshener smelled the same. The familiarity calmed me before another new voice took me by surprise.
    “You must be Andi!” A pretty, bubbly blonde appeared.
    I was only three steps into the office.
    She held a coffee mug emblazoned with a sorority insignia in one hand and a clipboard in the other. “Yes, that’s me.” Relieved at hearing my nickname, I loosened my smile. I dreaded correcting people when they used the longer, formal version. Only my family

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