Second Chances

Second Chances by Nicole Andrews Moore

Book: Second Chances by Nicole Andrews Moore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Andrews Moore
questions with questions.  There was no doubt as to whom she so closely resembled.  And what about him?  He felt like the pilot, lost in unfamiliar territory.  Sure, he had been there before, but it still seemed strange.  And like the pilot, he had given up his dream.  He didn’t want to take over the family business, it was expected.  He had other bigger dreams, dreams that he only wished he had the courage to achieve.  He sighed.  She was done reading for tonight.  She looked so peaceful as she drew each girl close for a tender hug and kiss.  He couldn’t confront her now.  Later he would demand to know how he had earned her dismissive attitude.  Cautiously, so as not to disturb them, he returned to his study, his sanctuary.

    Everywhere she turned, he was there.  Once again, Gavin had listened to her read to the girls, she was certain. He didn’t linger to chat, reinforcing her belief that he didn’t want to be seen, so she had ignored him.  It was easy enough to do, despite his imposing exterior.  He seemed to take up the whole of a normal doorway; thankfully her bedroom doors were double.  Once the girls were settled and she was reasonably confident they would drift off easily to sleep, she grabbed the cordless phone from the kitchen and wandered out to the patio.
    Just before the second ring, Amy picked up.  “Amy Pendergast here,” she said seriously.
    “My, how professional,” Hannah teased.
    “Oh, it’s you!”  Her friend exclaimed happily.  “It came up as a private number, so I wasn’t sure who to expect.”
    “And I’m the last person you would think to call during the week now, right?”  Hannah asked with a sigh.  It had been such a long weekend.  And in her life, she always considered Sunday evening a school night.
    “Well, yes, actually,” Amy admitted.  “So, how are things?” 
    Hannah could tell that she was waiting as patiently as she could manage for some good dirt.  Amy was still concerned over her mystery man.  “Well, he’s here,” she began quietly.
    “Of course he’s there, he lives there!”  Amy gave an exasperated sigh.  “Why does this surprise you?”
    “I don’t know.  He’s really important, runs the family business, and makes a lot of money.  I would expect him to be at the office… a lot.”
    There was a pause as Amy considered the reality of what her friend had shared.  “Is that what you found so engaging about this man?”  Amy asked.  “Did you expect things to be as they were with Brett, because as I recall, things didn’t go so well there,” she reminded her gently.  “Change is good, Hannah.  Embrace it.”
    Sighing some more, she began quietly, “I just don’t know how to be.  I don’t know what to do with him around.  I don’t know what’s expected of me.  I mean, I know it’s not a relationship, so I don’t have to…entertain him or anything.  Ugh.”  She felt incapable of explaining.
    There was a pause as Amy reflected both on what Hannah had said and what she had left unsaid.  “He’ll let you know what he wants.  He’ll share with you his expectations.  It’s not as though this guy is setting you up for failure, right?”  Her voice gained a measure of confidence as she continued.  “I mean, he sought you out, hired an investigator, drew up a contract that seems mutually beneficial, which says something given the expert review I gave it.”  She laughed some.  “So relax.  It will all work out in the end.”
    Biting her lip, Hannah knew Amy was right.  She just had to relax.  Inhaling deeply, she walked back into the kitchen and searched the cupboards for the perfect mug and her favorite evening tea.  Once the steamy sweet mug was prepared, she headed back out onto the patio.  She could see the moon shimmering off the waves on the lake.  And something about the clear warm evening was tugging at her to walk down to the

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