Second Chance Mates
it was warm, more than companionable. Again, she felt that ache to
be wrapped around a man's body. She inhaled deeply, pulling his
scent deep into her lungs. With surprise, she realized he was doing
the same. Scenting her. The first part of the mating bond.
Yes, they were definitely checking to see if each other was
available, responsive. Her wolf gave a low whine at the feelings
that surged through her. Though she'd never met a tiger shifter
before him, their reputation was well known. Strong, loyal, almost
undefeatable, he had the traits that would make him a prime mate.
With his personality, she knew he would be warm and funny, a good
companion. She suspected he would be passionate too, could only
imagine his strength.
    "What are you thinking about?" Luke's
voice was a warm burr. "Your scent..."
    She frowned at his hesitation. Where
was his bawdy comment? "Yes?" she encouraged softly.
    "You're aroused," he murmured. "I like
your scent when you're aroused."
    She opened her mouth to comment but
then Luke stepped away. Frowning she turned around, then her ears
caught the sound. Footsteps. A moment later Cade appeared around
the side of the house. "There you are," he said, a smile spreading
across his lips as he leapt onto the deck.
    "We were talking about going swimming,"
Luke said, almost unnecessarily, but if Cade thought anything odd,
he didn't say.
    "About damn time. Man, this heat is
something else. But you know what I want more than a swim right
    Probably , thought Clara, a laugh
bubbling in her throat as Cade leaned in. "I want to go into town
and have an ice cold beer at The Mill."
    "The Mill?" Luke asked as she stepped
around them both, putting a little distance between them before
Cade caught the scent of her arousal and asked Luke what was going
on. Not that anything was going on. Except…something had definitely
shifted between them.
    "Our old stomping ground. Soon as we
could legally get a drink, that's where we all started hanging out.
You still go there, Clara? The crowd still hang there,
    They followed her to the kitchen
waiting as she played with the wildflower stems, tweaking them this
way and that. "I haven't been there in...heck, I don't know. More
months than I have fingers to count on. I guess everyone still
hangs there."
    "Let's go. Tonight. They have bands,
Luke, and if I remember rightly, Clara is an excellent
    Clara laughed. "Am not. Why don't you
guys go. I'll curl up with a book. We can catch up
    Cade took the vase, moving into the
living room to position it on the table.
    "It wouldn't be any fun without you,"
said Luke. "Besides I only know two people in town and if you don't
go, I'll have a whole fifty percent less people to talk
    "I doubt that. You'll have girls around
you all night."
    Luke leaned over her, and whispered in
her ear, just loud enough for her to hear, "But none of them would
be you."
    "C'mon Clara,” Cade pleaded, his eyes
sparkling, “put on a pretty dress. I'll drive."
    She rocked back on her heels, looked up
at the two men staring hopefully down at her. Hadn't she sworn she
would change her life? To be happy again? "Sure," she agreed,
before she could change her mind. "Let's go. It’ll be
    "That was easy," remarked Cade, a note
of surprise in his voice. "I thought she'd take a lot more
    Luke looked at the empty doorway and
closed his eyes, imaging Clara's scent. He didn't know what had
changed but for the first time since they'd met, she'd been truly
aroused for him and unafraid to show it. Not the burst of primal
excitement he'd gotten from her initially, not the occasional
sexual interest she'd tried, and failed, to disguise; this time it
had been different. She had been receptive, had willing touched him
and been held by him, however briefly. He could still feel the
shape of her body against his, the soft swell of her backside
pressing against him. It had taken some surreptitious angling to
keep his

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