Seaside Kisses: A Sweet Romance (The Seaside Hunters Book 4)

Seaside Kisses: A Sweet Romance (The Seaside Hunters Book 4) by Stacy Claflin

Book: Seaside Kisses: A Sweet Romance (The Seaside Hunters Book 4) by Stacy Claflin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stacy Claflin
chilly it is out there. I'd almost believe it could snow before Halloween. That's actually what brings me in here."
    "The weather?" Rafael looked confused.
    "No." She laughed. "Halloween. Well, candy, actually. I saw your sign for the grand opening, and I wanted to donate some. Everyone loves sweets. You can give them to customers, or whatever you want."
    His eyes lit up. "Really?"
    Amara nodded, suddenly feeling shy.
    "That would be great. We're doing door prizes, including a grand prize package."
    "Oh, fun. Well, whatever you need, just ask." She walked over toward the counter and leaned against it. "Do you have anything in mind? We have all kinds of festive candies. Or if you don't want the holiday theme, I can help you come up with something more… sophisticated."
    He moved his laptop aside and leaned against the counter. Their faces were only inches part. "Actually, I was going to ask you to help with something else."
    "You were?" Her pulse pounded in her ears, and she hoped he couldn't hear it.
    "I was thinking of a fashion show, and I thought,"—he cleared his throat—"I mean, would you like to model some of the women's clothing?"
    Amara's mouth dropped open. She never would have seen that coming.
    "If you don't want to," Rafael said quickly, "don't feel pressured. I just thought they would look nice on you." His face reddened, and he took a deep breath. "Sorry. Usually, I'm much more professional when I ask for things with my business. I don't know what's wrong with me today."
    She felt her own face warm. "I'm honored. I don't know what to say."
    "Yes?" he asked, looking hopeful.
    How could she say no to that? "Of course," she said. "What does it entail?"
    "I'll pick out some of my newest designs, and you'll show them off. We'll have the store set up differently for the day, and I think there will either be a path or carpeting to use for the runway."
    "So, is anyone showing off the men's clothing?" Please say you , she begged silently.
    "My brother seems to think I should. I've never modeled my own clothes, though. Do you think that would be obnoxious?"
    Amara's heart nearly pounded out of her chest. "Not at all. I think it would be fun to share the walkway with you."
    He looked pleased. "Really?"
    She nodded. "Yeah. You should listen to your brother, he has good ideas. Is there anything else you need? I'll bring some prize packages. What time should I plan on being here?"
    "If you could bring the packages here in the next day or two, that would help a lot. Or at least let me know how many you'll bring. Do you want to put anything into the grand prize?" he asked.
    "Sure. I can find something especially cool."
    Rafael smiled. "Perfect. I'll let you know what time to arrive on the day of."
    "Sounds great. Well, I'm headed for lunch, so I'll see you later."
    "Mind if I join you?" he asked.
    Mind ? She nearly laughed. "Of course not. I was just going to grab a quick bite."
    "Perfect," he said. "And it's my treat."
    "You don't have to."
    "After last weekend, I do, actually." He grinned.
    Amara would have melted into a puddle if it was physically possible. Instead, she smiled. "Do you have anything in mind?"
    He looked into her eyes. "Are you in a rush?"
    She glanced at the clock behind him. "No. I just don't want to leave Alex to fend for himself when the after-school rush hits. The kids have serious sugar cravings lately."
    "It's the time of the year. I remember stashing candy all over the place." He stepped away from the counter and grabbed a black leather coat.
    Amara couldn't help giggling. "I remember you sneaking bites during class."
    He raised an eyebrow, slipping his arm into the jacket. "You do?"
    "We used to sit next to each other in a lot of classes because of our last names," she said.
    "I know. I didn't think you even noticed I was there."
    They stared into each other's eyes.
    Amara's breath caught. "I noticed everything you did," she whispered.
    "Really? You never looked at me. Not once that I can

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