Search for Safety: Killing the Dead Book Two

Search for Safety: Killing the Dead Book Two by Richard Murray

Book: Search for Safety: Killing the Dead Book Two by Richard Murray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Richard Murray
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must have had a reason, let’s find out” she replied indicating with a nod of her head the return of Pat, Gregg and Rachel at full speed.
    “Zombies are crossing the fields as well as the road. They were almost on top of me before I noticed” Rachel said between pants.
    “They likely got into the fields through that farm up the road” Pat suggested, “It didn’t have a gate stopping them.”
    “Ok. We need to get that car moved now, let’s see if we can leave ahead of them.” Lily said.
    Pat sprinted down the driveway, rifle at the ready closely followed by Gregg once again. “How many were in the fields?” Cass asked.
    “I don’t know. More than enough, I definitely killed one and hit another.” She replied looking nervously back at the barn.
    Gunshots sounded from down the drive and we all turned our heads to try and see, though the trees made that impossible. “Grab the bags. I think we’re walking.” Lily said before trotting back into the house.
    Cass was the first to pick up a rucksack and I chose another, its weight was almost uncomfortable but if we got separated at least I would have some supplies. Lily came back out of the house carrying the wind up radio and moments later Gregg ran up the driveway, followed by Pat.
    “No chance.” Gregg said, waving his arm towards the road. “Too damn many of them.”
    “Fine. Grab a bag each you two, we need to leave” Lily said before setting off around the side of the house. Claire and Maggie followed and then Liz. Cass and Gregg went next and then Pat and Rachel. I was last simply because I was the slowest with my ankle being hurt.
    We passed beyond the house and through a wooden gate into the fields. A trail had been worn into the grass beside the road and I guessed that the horses walked this way often when the riders went cross country. We were surrounded on all sides by fields that led up some hills and crossing the fields in the direction of the village were dozens of shambling figures.

Chapter 10
    My ankle ached and I was steadily dropping behind the rest of the group as we walked across the seemingly endless fields. Approximately three hours after we had set off the rest of the group came to a stop and I slowly made my way to them.
    I was sweating profusely from the strain of carrying the rucksack of food and water while also trying to keep most of the weight off of my injured ankle. As I reached them I saw why they had stopped. The fields had ended and before us was a sharp slope that ended at the motorway.
    The motorway itself was full of vehicles of all types. Large lorries, transit vans, cars and even an ambulance covered the road as far as we could see. None of those vehicles were moving and many sat with doors open. Discarded belongings lay scattered around the vehicles and lined the sides of the road.
    At various points up and down the motorway most of the undead stood silent and waiting, though a few wandered between the cars. “Well we are pretty much screwed” said Pat.
    I had to agree. “I haven’t seen those ones from the stables for a while. I think we lost them at one of the stiles.” I said keeping my voice low.
    “So we can’t go back and we can’t go forward. What the hell are we supposed to do?” asked Rachel in that whiny tone of hers that I had come to dislike immensely.
    “We need to cross.”Lily said, “If we get across that, then Liz said there’s a private golf course by some woods.”
    “You fancy a game to relax you?” asked Rachel snidely.
    “No, but it will have nice large walls around it and more than likely very few people. We can spend the night there safely, perhaps find another car.” Lily told her with far more patience than I could have done.
    I really would have to find a way to get rid of her soon, she was becoming extremely irritating and her stupidity with the rifle had caused us to abandon the majority of our scavenged supplies and our vehicles.
    The group continued to argue and

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