Seams of Destruction

Seams of Destruction by Alene Anderson Page B

Book: Seams of Destruction by Alene Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alene Anderson
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    “And then we can always jog in the morning.”
    “And if I hurry and order it, I can get a pool installed,” Mitch teased.
    “All right, we’ll stay at my apartment.”
    “Let’s try it at my place for a few days and see how it works. I do have some things to do around the place.”
    “I’ll have to pick up more clothes at the apartment,” she said.
    “I have a washing machine and you can wash what you took to Milan with you. That should last you until we can get over to your apartment.”
    The first thing Mitch did when they reached his house was call the Los Angeles Chief of Police. His assistant, Megan Steele, answered his private line and told him Grant was out. Mitch told her he wanted to set up an appointment to talk to him and she offered to look at Grant’s calendar and find an hour of free time. He knew he would have to take Jade with him but she could sit in the reception area with the Chief’s assistant, Megan, and read a book or a magazine.
    “Do I have to go with you?” Jade’s question was almost a whine when he told her.
    “It’s either that or stay home handcuffed to a piece of furniture.”
    She gave her grudging consent to go with him.
    “Jade, if there’s any possible way of proving your innocence, it’s necessary for me to have a meeting with Castillo.”
    “I know, I know,” she said. “I just didn’t want to go back to the police station. They might put me back in jail.”
    “Don’t be ridiculous.”
    She was silent for a minute, her forehead creasing in lines of worry, making Mitch sorry he had been impatient with her.
    “Show me your laundry room and I’m going to wash my clothes so I’ll have something clean to wear. Do you want me to wash yours?”
    “If you would, I’d appreciate it.”
    Jade felt very domestic as she started the laundry. After she had put the clothes into the washer, she stepped outside and looked at the back yard. The lawn needed to be mowed.
    Mitch came to stand behind her. “I see I have my work cut out for me.”
    “Why don’t you have a lawn service?”
    “I like doing it. Good therapy.”
    “I can’t imagine you needing therapy.”
    He smiled. “Sometimes tracking down and catching those bad guys gets to me.”
    “You have some beautiful flowers.”
    “My mom planted those when she was alive and I’ve tried to keep them blooming in honor of her memory.”
    “Was this her house?”
    “Actually, this is the house Matt and I grew up in. I’ve kept it for sentimental reasons. I was living in another house that I owned when Mom died. When I decided to move in here rather than sell it, I rented out the house I was in. Which reminds me, one of the things I have to do this week is go check on my rentals and make sure they are being kept up the way they should be.”
    “How many do you have?”
    “Ten houses and an apartment building.”
    “That must keep you busy.”
    He nodded. “I’m lucky. I’ve been able to keep good renters in my properties so I haven’t had much upkeep. I’ve known of some owners who have renters that really beat up their property.”
    “I looked in your frig. I would say we need to go grocery shopping.”
    “Let me take you out for dinner tonight and we’ll shop tomorrow.”
    “All right, if you insist.”
    “I insist. Unfortunately it’s going to be nothing like the food we’ve been use to eating in Italy.”
    “What are you offering?”
    “There’s Chinese, not far away. We could even get takeout if you wanted. There’s a Mexican one. The Yard House, which has sea food and chicken on their menu, is the closest one.”
    “That sounds good. Let’s go there.”
    “Okay. I think I’ll get out the mower and cut the lawn while I have an hour or so.”
    “After I get the clothes in the dryer, I think I’ll lay down for a nap. Five hours of sleep in an airplane just doesn’t do it for me.”
    Mitch smiled sympathetically. Opening the garage door which was situated next to the

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