Sea of Sighs (Empath Book 2)
would make sense that I’d be there for any
announcements the king wishes to make.”
    Venn frowned, and Eden realised from his
eyes that the lord didn’t believe a single word he’d said.
“ Vance is it? Not your highness ? Not our liege ? You sound very familiar with
the man who is meant to be ruling us all, I must say.”
    Eden had the sense to blush. “I’m sorry my
lord, I thought you were speaking casually. Of course my respect is
with his highness.”
    Venn laughed, and it was a cruel noise. He
pushed Eden, and the lad staggered sideways, nearly knocking into
the wall. “I’m just playing with you lad. You look like you’re
about to choke, calm down. I’m a good friend of your father. What’s
happening to him is unjust. It’s all lies. We both know that, and
we both know that Lord Shiver is going to be getting out of
this with his titles and lands intact, don’ t
we? ”
    Eden sensed that this was more of a
statement than a question, but he muttered his assent anyway. He
didn’t want to start making enemies before the meeting started,
because he knew perfectly well he’d have some by the time it
finished. The position of chamberlain was one of honour in any
castle, never mind being the chamberlain for the king himself. Many
nobles had coveted this position when it was likely they would
never take lands of their own. Vance had told him how unhappy he’d
made the court when he’d appointed Ross to the position, so the
fact that Eden was going to take the post now would raise more than
a few eyebrows.
    Venn tried to bait Eden more on the way to
the meeting, but Eden stayed cagey and silent. By the time they
reached the king’s chambers, Eden was certain that Venn was
beginning to hate him. Eden had to ignore what others thought of
him. Ross couldn’t have cared, if he was so derided. There was more
at stake here than his feelings. Eden had to keep in mind that Venn
was one of his father’s closest allies and friends. Eden made a
mental note to speak to Rowan about this, to make sure that he
wasn’t going to be acting at cross purposes with any of his
brother’s alliances.
    The closer they got to the doors, the more
Eden’s heart started to pound. He gave Venn a nervous glance,
convinced the lord should be able to hear it hammering against his
ribs. His palms were becoming sweaty and hot, but he resisted the
urge to wipe them down on his clothes. He raised his hands to his
hair, and ran two fingers past his temples for what felt like
hundredth time that day. After realising what he’d done, Eden
rammed his hands into fists and put them by his sides. The lord
would be watching him, he knew, and had gotten a close look just
then. Eden hadn’t wanted to appear nervous, but he was a complete
wreck in front of a man that he wanted to be an equal. He forced
himself to take a few deep breaths, and in a brief moment of
solace, Eden noticed Venn didn’t look completely at ease
    Three guards stood either side of the
chamber door, halberds gripped to attention and faced forward. A
page stood to the left, announcing the lords as they arrived, so
the guards could open the doors. Eden was pensive as the page read
off Venn’s name, though to his relief, his name was announced next.
His irrational fears about this being a game for the king; that
he’d be laughed at and thrown out, were so far unfounded. Nervous,
trying not to look around wildly as he walked through the door,
Eden exhaled with relief when he realised that he and Venn were the
first two to arrive. Vance, obviously, was already in his own
suite, but he wasn’t seated. Instead, he was standing at a
high-arched window, his hands clasped behind his back, looking down
over his city.
    In the centre of the huge room was a grey
stone table, surrounded by thickly-carved oak chairs. There were
enough seats for Vance, the ruling lords of the provinces, and one
accompanying aide for each. There would be, therefore, a proper
seat for Eden. He was

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