Scrooge's Bear (Erotic Shifter Fairy Tales)

Scrooge's Bear (Erotic Shifter Fairy Tales) by Yvette Hines

Book: Scrooge's Bear (Erotic Shifter Fairy Tales) by Yvette Hines Read Free Book Online
Authors: Yvette Hines
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    Cloves and apricots. The scent drew him from the lobby
of the elite hotel into the bar. He’d just completed a dinner meeting with a
new fertilizer supplier and was on his way toward the front door when the
delicate sweet and warm woodsy blend tickled his nose and tightened his core.
    Where is it coming
from? His bear
nudged him on. It was late and he really needed to begin the three-hour drive
back to Den County. However, he moved one step after another in the direction
his animal nature guided him. Crossing the threshold of the bar he was
bombarded by the multiple colognes and perfumes of the many women and men
milling around. It was a Tuesday night, he doubted it normally was so packed
with people, however, it was Christmas Eve. He assumed most were in town
visiting family or on their own getaway, possibly part of an office holiday
party. He supposed for  most Sacramento was a great place to be for Christmas,
but not for a Were-bear like him. He and his kind enjoyed quiet time
hibernating in their cabins with their family.
    Even with all the other scents
swirling through the air, the clove and apricot overpowered them all. Glancing
around the room, he searched for the source disregarding one woman after
another as they huddled around in groups at tables or on the dance floor
swinging their hips before men to upbeat holiday tunes. Then his gaze glided
over a woman sitting alone in a corner booth, far away from the source of music
and revelry. A chestnut-brown-skinned Black woman, dressed in a dark
emerald-green pantsuit, as she were attempting to pay homage to the holiday,
but not. Her hair was long. He didn’t know how long since she had it pulled
back in a bun. A classic, elegant and professional look. She was on her cell
phone, but he could tell she was searching for someone by the shifting of her
gaze as she inspected and rejected one man after another.
    Was she meeting someone, or just
hoping to catch someone?
    The growl that rumbled low in his
chest shocked him. It wasn’t like him to be territorial over a female. He
didn’t lack for female companionship. Since he traveled in and out of the
county conducting various business ventures, he met more than his share, and
enjoyed them.
    She shifted slightly in
her seat and turned her head toward the door and met his gaze. And he was
practically rocked back on his heels by the impact of the contact. What seized
his breath in his chest was the vibrant gold tinge on the peripheral of his
vision. Shit .
    Damn . Heat bloomed in his core and began
to spread out through his body.
    Fuck . The hair on the nape of his neck
began to rise.
    The last thing he needed was to go
feral in a group of non-shifters and wind up on the eleven o’clock news as a
special report. That would bring unwanted attention to his community. They
lived under the radar and liked it that way. It was probably best for him to
execute an about-face and hightail it back up to Den.
    However, he’d never been one to do
exactly what was expected of him. A wild card among his friends and family, he
danced to his own beat too often. And if this business trip opened the door for
him to get a little hot sheet action, he was all for it.
    Knowing he took a risk, he moved
forward—in part because he wanted to, but more importantly, because he had to.
    Holding her gaze he moved toward
her. His vision became more of a tunnel and his hearing distinguished between
the music and other people and zeroed in on all things of the woman before
him—her slight elevated breathing and heart beat.
    It wasn’t beating in full excitement
or arousal mode but it was definitely headed there. 
    As he drew closer, he noticed other
things like the wide strip of gray hair that blended into the dark locks being
held back. Also the tension at the corners of her mouth, making her appear to
be a woman who didn’t smile often.
    Arriving at the table beside her, he
held his hand out. “Hello, I’m

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