Screw the Fags

Screw the Fags by Josephine Myles

Book: Screw the Fags by Josephine Myles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Josephine Myles
Tags: Romance MM, erotic MM
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Resisting temptation has never been so much fun!

    When Cosmo Rawlins makes a special request for his upcoming birthday, his toppy boyfriend strikes a deal with him: if Cosmo gives up smoking, Alasdair will buy him a car. What Alasdair doesn't realise, however, is that a week of keeping a close eye on his bratty submissive will test the very limits of his libido.

    Warning: written in British English, where "fag" has an entirely different definition than it does in the States.

    Author’s note:
    This is a follow-up short story intended to be read after the novel, Screwing the System . However, I know some readers won’t have read the novel yet, so I’ve done my best to avoid any spoilers should you then want to go on and find out more about how Cosmo and Alasdair first get together.

    Praise for Screwing the System

    Myles’ humorous and skilful portrayal of this unique and authentic couple will please a lot of her fans immensely and will warm up new readers for her other excellent work... She also proves once again that she’s capable of creating an unforgettable couple with an electrifying chemistry.
    ~ Janna at Rarely Dusty Books

    A sexy, romantic read that immediately captured my attention kept me enthralled with it until I finished the last page. I loved everything about this book. Between the interesting, well-written characters and the intriguing story they told, Screwing the System has a permanent place on my keeper shelf.
    ~ Gabbi at Top 2 Bottom Reviews

    One of the most enjoyable BDSM lite romances I have ever read… I really really loved how Cosmo and Alasdair were shown to be two people falling in love, stumbling along the way, both of them making mistakes and learning from them… I already reread it three times and without skipping a single sex scene, which is not something I do with too many books… Highly recommended.
    ~ Sirius at Reviews by Jessewave

    Screw the Fags
    A Screwing the System short
    by Josephine Myles

    Copyright 2013 by Josephine Myles
    Cover Art by Lou Harper

    Thank you for downloading this free ebook. You are welcome to share it with your friends. This book may be reproduced, copied and distributed for non-commercial purposes, provided the book remains in its complete original form. If you enjoyed this book, please visit Jo’s website to find out about her other published works. Thank you for your support.

    For Jamie, Lou, Angharad, Ione, Tam, Phil and Donna. Thank you all for the feedback on my early draft, and helping to make this a better story than I’d have been able to on my own.

Screw the Fags

    “I want a motorbike,” Cosmo announced first thing on Monday morning, before taking another forkful of his omelette.
    Alasdair sighed into his coffee. He’d known it would probably be a huge mistake to ask Cosmo what he’d like for his upcoming birthday, but he just hadn’t been able to think of anything suitably... Romantic wasn’t the word he was after. It was bad enough the lad’s birthday was this coming Friday. Valentine’s Day, no less. Alasdair might need Cosmo like he needed oxygen, but he wasn’t about to start getting all mushy with red roses, jewellery and the like. Not unless the jewellery came with a padlock.
    No, he might not want to buy something romantic, but he definitely wanted to get Cosmo something suitably dramatic . A bike was dramatic, all right, but totally unsuitable. “There are plenty of bikes in the garage.”
    “Yep. Your bikes. Which you won’t let me ride.”
    “What do you call what we did at the weekend, then?” He’d taken Cosmo up to the top of West Wycombe Hill on his Honda Shadow and they’d cosied up under a blanket in the graveyard, watching the sun set. Too cold to get up to anything particularly kinky, but it was a good memory. The kind of recollection that snuck up and caught him unawares during his working day, making him smile secretly to himself and fire off a smutty text to Cosmo.
    “That was you riding and me on the

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