either team member had expected Miss Forest to be responsible for her own transportation, they gladly would have supplied that information and demanded their information be used, even if hers was a proven ‘short cut’. Little regard was shown towards economizing. Why was Ciber-Blue High School’s address and directions omitted from the correspondence concerning observation? They forgot! They made a slip-up! One of the many. Assigning Miss Forest (Grade “A” Certificate, Superior rated classroom performance) to a “remedial plan” for teaching, hatched up by these educators is the “slip-up of the age.” Documented by themselves.
The 2001-02 remediation plan given Miss Forest was unfamiliar to Mr. Murphy, Mr. Reece, and Mrs. Lewis. Evidence abounds! Referring to visits to another high school, the plan states “Arrangements will be made for your visit(s) in January 2002. Visits should be completed that month”. Well, it was then mid-February; why were they so late in doing their work? Mr. Murphy blames Miss Forest for their negligence. He, Mr. Murphy, calls Miss Forest’s reporting at his office on the morning of February 5, 2002 for transportation to Ciber-Blue High School incomprehensive to him. It is that , indeed, without a doubt – incomprehensive. Mr. Murphy’s use of incomprehensive is perfect in this situation. Incomprehensive is one of few terms that can adequately describe their (administrators) action while “advising” Miss Forest. Unless, like the use of the word – concern it too is opposite in meaning while in communication with her. Implying Miss Forest was responsible for her own transportation to the school which they (administrators) planned class observation – and not tell all their expectations is contrary to the laws of reason and common sense. Miss Forest often wondered whether that team of evaluators was aware of that blunder. All of them are still contracted by the Board of Education of Grande`. Incomprehensive!
Mr. Murphy and Mr. Reece rescheduled the observation for Monday, February 18, 2002. Miss Forest was ordered to report to the main office at Ciber-Blue High School at 8:30 AM. Transportation would be provided by Mr. Murphy if she was unable to make provision. But a forty-eight (48) hour advance must be given him. He was informed of her inability to make provision within the required time span.
Later in the week, Mr. Murphy informed Miss Forest of another “ change ” in the observation date. Instead of February 18, 2002, it was rescheduled for the following day, February 19, 2002. No explanation was given for the change . Mr. Murphy and Miss Forest had a friendly chat. What is causing a shift from curtness to courteousness? After checking Ciber-Blue’s calendar for February 18, 2002, Miss Forest learned that Staff Development Day was scheduled. So, that was it! Another error had been made and Mr. Murphy had refused to admit it. It is evident the assignment (teacher observation) was made before checking with officials of Ciber-Blue High. This is another example of poor planning and poor communication. The ranting letter of February 12, 2002 could have been avoided if they (Mr. Murphy, Mr. Reece, and Mrs. Lewis) had been concerned with Miss Forest’s schedule. Her classes at Dromedary were scheduled for weekly testing each Monday. This, they were aware of lesson plans were required to be submitted to Mr. Murphy one week in advance. Miss Forest was thrown off-schedule the entire week due to carelessness on the administration level. But they didn’t care. Poor academic performance of students at Dromedary High School can be traced to administrators. Like their teacher, these students never had a chance from such poor management.
On February 19, 2002, upon arrival at Dromedary High School Miss Forest was informed that Mr. Murphy had assigned Mr.
Amarinda Jones
Walter Dean Myers
Amy Tan
Venessa Kimball
Evelyn Anthony
Kate Carlisle
Dornford Yates
Tony Dormanesh
P.C. Martin
Dianne Venetta