SCARRED - Part 6 (The SCARRED Series - Book 6)

SCARRED - Part 6 (The SCARRED Series - Book 6) by Kylie Walker

Book: SCARRED - Part 6 (The SCARRED Series - Book 6) by Kylie Walker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kylie Walker
    “W ere going to look at houses today,” Chloe told her parents at breakfast on Monday morning. Samantha looked sad. Trevor looked at Chloe and said, “You’re not still thinking of buying a plot of land and building on it?”
    “We talked about it. We will probably look into it in the future sometime, but we would really like to have a home that’s ready by the time the baby’s born.”
    “You know that you don’t have to rush off,” Samantha said with a catch in her voice.
    Trevor winked at us and said, “They’re newly engaged Samantha and in seven months or so they will never have another private moment...I think we’re lucky they’ve stayed this long.”
    “Oh! I know. I’m just going to miss you, both of you.”
    “We’re going to try and stay close, Sam. The properties we’re looking at today are within a ten mile radius of you.”
    Samantha actually smiled. “Well, that sounds better. I should be thankful it’s not Mid-Town or even worse, Rhode Island.”
    “We’ll do our best to find one we like up close,” Chloe told her.
    The first house they looked at was the closest. It sat on five acres and had a grove of apple trees that grew along the cobble stone drive that led up to the house. It had white fence that separated the trees from the driveway and there were wildflowers growing all along underneath the fence. It was beautiful, like something out of a magazine. Before they even reached the house, Chloe said, “I like this one best.”  Derek laughed at her and said, “Okay, but we’ll go ahead and look at the inside of this one and the other two, just to be sure.”
    “If you insist,” she said with a smile.
    The house was as stunning as the drive leading up to it. It was a traditional stone home, two-stories with a balcony that wrapped around the entire upper floor. The doors were heavy and oak and one entire wall was made of floor to ceiling windows.
    Chloe stepped out of the car and looked up at it in awe. “It takes my breath away,” she said. “Is it too much?”
    Derek laughed again and said, “No baby, not unless we go in and find out it comes with a butler.”
    Derek had the key to it and they went inside. The foyer had highly polished wood floors and a wood and stone chandelier that looked handmade. The stairs went off to the left and there was a long hall to the right of it and straight in front. Derek took the straight one first. It led them into a large, step-down living room. Like in the front of the house, one entire wall was floor to ceiling windows. Another wall was all stone fireplace. Outside the windows was a huge terrace that led out to a large backyard. The lawn looked lush and there were a lot of fruit trees and bushes.
    Derek led them back the way they came and took the other hall. They came to a formal dining room and a modern kitchen beyond that. The kitchen had heavy granite counters and what looked like all brand new appliances, including an extra oven for gourmet cooking and a built-in stone pizza oven.
    The room that faced the front of the house was a den.
    “Oh look at the bookshelves!” Chloe told Derek.
    One of the walls of the room was made of built-in bookshelves. It was all oak and it added character to the room. There was a bathroom just outside of that room and they were back in the long hall that led back towards the stairs. The upstairs was even nicer than the first floor...according to Chloe. She flitted from one room to the next, pointing out the things that were “different” from most other houses, like the fact that the master bedroom had a fireplace in it too...or that the two walk-in closets adjoined in the center. The bathroom here had a deep Jacuzzi tub and double sinks with white granite counters and floors.
    There were three other bedrooms, none of them as impressive as the master bedroom however Chloe was able to find one she thought would be “perfect” for the baby. Derek could see the wheels

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