Scarlet Vamporium: Vamporium #2

Scarlet Vamporium: Vamporium #2 by Poppet[vampire]

Book: Scarlet Vamporium: Vamporium #2 by Poppet[vampire] Read Free Book Online
Authors: Poppet[vampire]
Tags: vampire
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hollowly behind her, the silent void replacing it is immediately thick with foreboding.
    With ma pulse pounding in ma neck I watch her slide down the door, her bravery dissolving when she pulls her knees up tae inhale a ragged sob.
    “Ellie?” calls behind us, and I spin tae face it, back on high alert. “Sweetheart?”
    It's the most beautiful voice in the world, soft and soothing like a mother cooing a lullaby tae her bairn.
    Selene steps intae the passage, wiping her hands on a pink cloth, looking enchanting with her pale hair wafting down tae her elbows, “Douglas! How good to see you again. What are you two doing out here? Come to the kitchen.”
    She nudges her head to indicate the way she came, her smile serene and provocative.
    I'm drawn tae her as if I ha'e no will of ma own, driftin' in a stupid dawdle over glossy tiles, past pastel yellow walls and entrances tae rooms I dinnae care tae look intae.
    Her smile widens and she turns, walking away from me. With eye contact broken, I stumble, spinning back tae check on Ellindt.
    Offering her my hand with an outstretched arm, I beckon, “Sitting there panicking ain't gonnae change a thing. Let's dae this.”
    She stares at me with flickering eyes, and I think I know her well enough now tae know her eyes light up when she's upset. So right now she's struggling tae overcome her fears which is why they flicker between titanium tae electric blue voodoo.
    Inhaling dramatically she shoves up off the floor and moves tae ma side in a blur of speed.
    I dinnae think I'm ever gonnae get used tae this. How the hell did ma ancestor cope marriet tae a faery?
    “You have an ancestor who married a fairy?” gushes behind me, and I spin back tae stare at Selene with ma heart doing somersaults.
    “How did ye know what I was thinkin'?”
    “The older generation still have the gift of telepathy. I don't mean to eavesdrop, but I can't help it.” Propping her long elegant fingers on each hip, she tilts her heid tae survey me with open interest.
    It makes me nervous and ma breath lodges thickly in ma throat. Not knowin' what tae say, I nod. “Aye, it's a well known MacLeod story.”
    “You're a MacLeod?”
    I nod again, anxiety making ma muscles stiff and wrapping ma skin in a chilled sheen.
    Smiling widely at me now, she looks from me tae Ellindt, “That changes everything. Let's go sit down, I can't stand in the passage all night.”
    Moving like a fluid ribbon sliding down a pillow, she sashays her long pale legs away from us, pushing the baby blue sleeves up on her cardigan.
    Ellindt is gonnae grow up tae look just like that.
    Her skirt is so tight it outlines her shapes just perfectly and it gives me a wee moment of vertigo.
    God must have been a man tae create creatures so fair and distractin'.
    Oh crud! She can hear ma thoughts, think of somethin' else. Golf. St Andrews. Glenfiddich whisky. The fish smokin' at home. They should be taeken out by now. Jamie surely didnae dae it fer me and Da is never home tae give a darn.
    “Would you two hurry up!”
    Ellindt snags ma arm and hauls me down the passage and intae the cheery kitchen.
    The smell hits me and ma heart warms like an ember lit by ma soul, by ma memories.

    Chapter 12
    Wow! Selene has used her magic and turned the kitchen into the quintessential goddess' domain, complete with cooling cookies on a wire rack, filling the room with the delicious scent of homemade treats.
    She's putting on the normal act for Doug and I appreciate it so much.
    My legs are still trembling from when Zarak pinned me to the front door, exhaling demonic air over me as if it blesses me and makes me holy. It was him I could smell in the kitchen earlier, and I know it means something but I'm just too shaken to figure out what.
    What were they really talking about?
    “Sit down, please,” Selene says to Doug, and he pulls out a chair for me at the counter which I slump into, grateful to get off my twitching

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