Savior (The Savior Series Book 1)

Savior (The Savior Series Book 1) by A. King Bradley Page B

Book: Savior (The Savior Series Book 1) by A. King Bradley Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. King Bradley
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    “Where are you going, Adam?” he asked between gasps.
    “Fox Valley State,” I said flatly.
    “Adam, that’s not a good idea. The gunmen are long gone. Fox Valley State is a dead end. You’ll just be putting yourself within the scope of the investigation.”
    “If they killed him-”
    “We don’t know if he’s dead, Adam. We have to let this thing play out, at least until we have more information.”
    “That’s easy for you to say! You’re not the one whose brother is possibly in pieces right now!” I shouted.
    “I know this is hard, Adam, but you have to listen to me! We have to wait until we have more concrete information. If you rush into this thing blindly, you not only stand to jeopardize your secret, but you could also be putting yourself into real danger. PJ may not be my brother, but you are. And I’ll do anything I can to keep you safe.”
    We both fell silent. As much as I hated to admit it, Howie was right.
    “I want to know who’s responsible for this,” I said finally.
    “They’re called The Strangers. I’ve heard of them before. They appear to be led by a guy who’s calling himself The Suspect. I’ll get you all the information I have on them later today. If they killed your brother, I promise you that I will do everything I can to help you take them down,” he said as he handed me his backpack full of food. “Take this. You’ll need it.”
    There was something about Howie’s tone that bothered me. His eagerness to help was genuine, but I couldn’t help but notice that there also seemed to be a hint of excitement in his voice. As I made my way to class, something about the entire ordeal was bothering me, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.

    19. VICTORIA
    THE ONLY THING I COULD THINK ABOUT DURING CLASS was my brother. Wondering if he was alive or dead had consumed my thoughts, making it impossible to concentrate on anything else. I probably wouldn’t have made it through the day were it not for Monica’s presence in the desk in front of me.
    She could tell that something was bothering me. I didn’t want to burden her with my problems, so I remained mum on my thoughts.
    Basketball tryouts came and went without me. Something about the game just seemed stupid to me as I contemplated the possible death of my older brother. I still waited for Monica to show up at the front of the gym, as I had not filled her in on my decision not to tryout.
    As tryouts ended, I sat on the front steps of the gym and watched the prospective players hop into their vehicles and speed away. I got jealous for a moment because I didn't have a car of my own, but the thought of me outrunning their cars on foot brought a smile to my face. It was the first time that I had smiled all day.
    “Looks like you can smile after all,” a lovely female voice said from behind me. My smile suddenly grew wider against my will. I stood and turned to face Monica, who stood at the entrance of the gym.
    “How did you sneak up on me?” I asked.
    “I came in through the side entrance. So how did it go?” she asked excitedly.
    “I didn’t try out,” I said as I dropped my head.
    “Is everything okay?” she asked as she sat beside me on the front steps of the gym.
    “Yeah, everything’s fine. I just changed my mind,” I lied.
    I could tell by her expression that she wasn’t buying my cheap excuse but I was glad that she didn’t push.
    “I know what can turn that frown upside down,” she said with a huge grin.
    “And what might that be?”
    “It’s a surprise,” she replied.
    “What kind of surprise?” I asked, feeling my gloomy mood begin to dissipate as Monica worked her magic on me.
    “I’d like to show you my secret hangout spot, too. Have you ever been up to the roof of the gym?”
    “No, I haven’t. Are we allowed on the roof?” I asked.
    “Technically no, but I sort of know the principal that runs this joint. I’m pretty sure I could talk my way out of it if we

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