Saving Stella

Saving Stella by Eliza Brown

Book: Saving Stella by Eliza Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eliza Brown
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    “I hate seeing her like this.
There’s just no colour in her life you know? Just her pant
suits and her frigin numbers.”
    “Pant suits can be hot.”
    “Ha, not the ones Stella wears.
Trust me Bray she needs something to liven her up. I’m sick of seeing her
looking so, I don’t know, dreary?”
    “Maybe she likes dreary? Is she
    “She thinks she is. I know better
though. I need to do something to shake her up a little, show her there’s so
much more to life than sitting in her apartment with that weird little dog of
hers. I just don’t know what? I’ve tried getting her to hit the town with me, even
a bar but nope, says she can’t do it. Sometimes I think she just doesn’t want
to get anything on her ridiculously expensive sensible heels. What God loving
woman spends that kind of money on sensible heels? Really?”
    I let out a huff as my
frustration built. I really had to do something about Stella. I had to bring my
sister back.
    “Why not set her up?”
    “Pfft, as if any of the guys I
know would be good enough for my baby sister.”
    “Hey now! I take offense to
    True, if I were to set Stella up
with anyone, Bray would probably be at the top of my list of candidates. He’s
attractive, ha who am I kidding? Bray is HOT. He’s successful, motivated and an
all-round good guy.
    I leaned back from the piece on
his left bicep I was working on, coming together nicely. I sized him up, it had
been a while since I fully checked him out. Friends don’t ogle friends, unless
they’re scoping them out for their sister.
    Bray raised his eye brow at me as
if to say, ‘What the Fuck’.
    “Dude, chill. I was just
assessing the goods. You might be right about setting Stella up. In fact I
think you’re the right guy for the job.”
    “Wait, what? That’s not where I
was going with this Sloan.”
    “No no, you planted the seed my
friend. It’s as good as done. You said you can’t manage the books on your own
anymore. Here’s the perfect solution.”
    “What, start sleeping with your
sister so she’ll do my books for me? That’s a little sleazy don’t ya think?”
    “Geez, not what I meant. Stella
is an accountant. Some crap about numbers making sense, always adding up, yada
yada, yada. Anyway, Il get you an appointment, she can go through your books,
you can invite her for coffee, next thing ya know I’ll be wearing a hideously
ordinary maid of honour dress at your wedding.”
    From the look on Bray’s face he
wasn’t as down with my plan as id hoped. His eyes were popping out of his head
and a sweat had broken out across his forehead.
    “Jumping the freaking gun there a
little aren’t ya Sloan! I haven’t even met the chic, and you’re already
planning our wedding. You’re frigin crazy! I’m not the marrying kind. You know
    I knew it wasn’t anything personal
but this is my baby sister we’re talking about. I tend to get a little
defensive where she’s concerned, perhaps even a little irrational. I pushed my
seat away from Bray and got to my feet, hands fisted on my hips.
    “You saying my sister isn’t good
enough for you asshole! Well I got news for you, you’d be lucky if Stella
spared you a glance, and if she wants to marry you, you’ll God damn do it! You
hear me!”
    “I knew it, bat shit crazy! You’re
off your rocker if you think I’m going to go out with your sister now.”
    “What? Why not? She’s an angel.”
    “Jesus Sloan, you just told me I
have to marry the chic if she takes a fancy to me, and let’s be honest here,”
    Oh here it comes, he was
gesturing up and down his body, I knew where this was going.
    “Who wouldn’t want all this?”
    He had that smug look on his
face, like he’s the shit and everybody knows it, including himself.
    “Way to be modest Bray.”
    I started walking away, slipped
my phone from my pocket and flicked Stella a text.
    ‘Need a favour baby sister, boss man needs an

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