Saving Abel (Rocker Series)

Saving Abel (Rocker Series) by Gina Whitney Page A

Book: Saving Abel (Rocker Series) by Gina Whitney Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gina Whitney
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would ever be the same again after seeing that? The 911 operator had instructed not to touch him. But over the years, the constant replaying of that event in my head had left me wondering: maybe I could have helped him had they let me cut him down. However, at this very moment, I wanted to trade places with my brother. I wanted to be dead. I was the one who deserved it. Not him. He was innocent. A good boy. I was the doppelganger to my mother, and, as such, I deserved this apocalyptic shit. And this was apocalyptic. My world as I had known it was over. Steepling my fingers, I took a deep breath and contemplated my next move. My eyes focused on the swirls in the carpet. Depression was seeping in. I could feel the cold isolation already. All around me was the sound of nothingness. I was scared for the first time in my life. Would I ever feel him again? Abel.
    “I’m so sorry, babe,” Cindy whispered, stroking my hair. So was I. “You want to leave?” she asked carefully. She didn’t know what to expect: she had never seen me like this.
    “Wait a minute!” I exclaimed. “Ender, can’t you talk to him? I mean, it’s totally your fucking fault.” I drove my index finger into his chest. He just smirked. He thought this shit was real fucking funny. Fury was taking hold.
    “What the fuck is wrong with you, anyway?” I lashed out. “Why would you pull that shit? Huh?” Raging, I stepped close enough to spit in his face.
    “What? I was only dancing with you, mommy. Besides, what’s the problem, anyway? We’re two single adults, right? Why wouldn’t we dance, Chicka?” He thought his explanation was perfectly reasonable. Boy, was he a thick one.
    “Don’t call me mommy! And I was with Abel—Ender!” I screamed furiously. Did he not get that? What was with the feigning innocence routine? Cindy grabbed the bottle of Jameson off the table, thrusting it at me. That’s exactly what I needed. I tipped the bottle, taking a long swig. The burn actually felt refreshing. I wanted the pain. Pain was what I needed. Physical pain and motherfucking agony.
    “First of all,” he began, “I didn’t know you two hooked up. When was this? Tonight? If so, I wasn’t around, remember? I was hooking up myself. Do you think I would honestly do that to my bro? I have more fuckin’ pride and self-respect than that. I take that shit seriously. I don’t fuck over my dudes for pussy. Sorry, but no. I like to piss Abel off when I can—especially because he always goes all cerebral and shit. I can assure you, he’s not pissed at me ,” he huffed, rolling his eyes. He grabbed his beer for a long guzzle while turning to cruise the crowd. Oh hell to the no.
    “Oh, thanks a lot, you selfish Latin Lothario prick.” I pushed him up against the table. I needed to get out of here quickly before I got arrested for assault.
    “Whoa whoa whoa, chick,” Cindy interjected. “Maybe giving you the bottle wasn’t my best idea. Give it back, Gia. Things are getting out of hand, chick.” She motioned with her fingers for the bottle.
    “Here.” I handed it to her. I realized I needed to straighten up and be on my game for what I was about to do. I feigned going to the bathroom to freshen up so I could grab one of Abel’s bodyguards without those two knowing. The giant dude was kissing some twit against the wall in the hallway. Nice. Real fucking nice.
    “Ahem, sorry to intrude. I really am, but I need a favor. Abel told me to meet him at his house. We got separated by fanatical fans and security got him out of here. He’s probably worried and my phone is dead. Can you take me to him—please?” I begged, giving him my best puppy dog expression. The skank just rolled her eyes. I rubbed my face with my middle finger and smirked. She glowered. Ha! Fuck her.
    “You’re Gia, right?” He went to pull out his cell. Oh, shit.
    “Wait!” I seized his arm while looking seductively up through my lashes. “I’d love to surprise him. I have

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