Save Aether (The Trinity Key Trilogy Book 3)

Save Aether (The Trinity Key Trilogy Book 3) by L.M. Fry

Book: Save Aether (The Trinity Key Trilogy Book 3) by L.M. Fry Read Free Book Online
Authors: L.M. Fry
they cause a problem.” She grabbed Alouette by the hair. “And I’ll deal with this one.”
    The girl struggled in her mother’s grip and squealed. “Maman, ce n’est pas ma faute!”
    “Are you girls hurt?” Dr. Lawless asked.
    Theo shook her head. She wasn’t hurt, but she was furious. They all were. Tiny sparks crossed between her fingers, frost covered Julia’s bedframe, and the air rippled around Valera. Madame Blackbird was smart taking Alouette away, otherwise she’d be electrocuted, barbequed, and frostbitten. Eli dragged a wooden chair from the hall into the room.
    “I’ll stay here for the night,” Eli said, sitting in the chair and facing the door. “In case, any more patrons come knocking.”
    Dr. Lawless wrung his hands and frowned. “Perhaps, I, too, should stick around.”
    “We’re perfectly capable of handling ourselves,” Julia snapped.
    Dr. Lawless sighed, “Very well. I will speak with Madame Blackbird to ensure this debacle doesn’t reoccur.”
    Dr. Lawless left, and Eli locked the door behind him. After all that had transpired, there was no way Theo was sleeping. She lay in bed, eyes wide open. All of them still held aether, so she knew they were all awake – all but Eli, who was snoring peacefully in the chair.
    I’ve never been so humiliated in my life , Valera said. I can’t believe Alouette would do such a thing.
    I can , Julia hissed. She’s a jealous…
    We know, Julia . Theo said. So, what’s going on with you and Eli?
    Theo turned to look at Julia and caught her starring at their sleeping bodyguard. Julia flipped over right away.
    I don’t know what you’re eluding to, but absolutely nothing is going on with Eli.
    Theo laughed. Uh huh, we saw you kissing him in the hall. Why won’t you admit that you like him.
    It is pretty obvious, Julia, Valera added.
    Julia scoffed , As if… He snores… he’s arrogant… and… I only kissed him to get under Alouette’s skin. 
    You like him. Admit it, Theo needled.
    Okay, I don’t not like him. Happy now? Can we just go to sleep?
    They didn’t say another word about it. Julia saying that she didn’t hate someone was as good as declaring her undying love. Theo sighed. Thinking about Julia and Eli made her lonely for Victor. She worried that he’d never speak to her again after the way they had left things. Hopefully, he’d forgive her. She imagined life beyond all this craziness. She and her parents would live on Aetherland with Victor. Life would be happy. Julia and Eli would be there, and of course, Valera.
    Before she knew it, light seeped through the window. She groaned and sat up. Glass shattered in the hallway, and Eli snorted, leapt off the chair with his fists in the air. Boots clomped down the hall and someone downstairs screeched. Something was wrong. Theo shook Julia and Valera awake.
    Julia yawned. “What?”
    “There’s something going on,” Theo whispered.
    Someone banged on their door. Theo gathered aether and waited. Eli put a finger to his lips and gestured for the girls to stand to the side. The door swung open, Eli grabbed the person by his collar, and sparks shot from Theo’s hands.
    Dr. Lawless shrieked, “Whoa, Theo. Careful. Eli let me go!”
    Eli released him, and Dr. Lawless straightened his jacket. He harrumphed and frowned. Theo released aether.
    “We don’t have much time. The True Followers are raiding the city,” Dr. Lawless warbled. “The men from last night disappeared before Madame Blackbird could deal with them. She believes they’ve informed the True Followers to your location. It won’t be long before they show up. Hurry! Change into these.”
    He tossed a pile of clothes onto the bed. The dresses were much like the frocks that the Madame wore herself – colorful and cringe-worthy. They reminded Theo of Harmony’s Circus costumes. She held up a garish blue and red dress, whose petticoats were a thousand layers thick. She shook her head. They were worse than the circus

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