Savage Hunger (Project Nemesis)

Savage Hunger (Project Nemesis) by Celeste Anwar Page B

Book: Savage Hunger (Project Nemesis) by Celeste Anwar Read Free Book Online
Authors: Celeste Anwar
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escape before they move inland where we’d lose them.”
    “Good.  I trust you’ll recover the subjects, Captain,” Doctor Wagner said, hanging up.
    Lucas took the punishment from Dante and Zach without a fight.  Guilt kept him immobile while they each gave him punishing punches to the body.
    “You’re a fucking idiot, Lucas.  I thought I’d lost my fucking mind.  You didn’t have one to start with.  What were you thinking?” Zach said, shaking his hand out after he’d given Lucas a good one.
    Lucas rubbed his jaw, knowing he’d been in the wrong.  “I wasn’t.  She was begging me and grabbed my cock and I just lost it.”
    “Don’t blame that shit on her, Lucas.  We’re better than that.  We’re soldiers,” Dante said, giving him a lick that sent him reeling backwards.
    Lucas sat down on the ground, defeated and ashamed.  “I know.  It’s not her fault.  It’s mine.”
    “Damn right it is.  We’ll be lucky if she doesn’t change and go berserk on her.”
    “Guys, look on the bright side.  We’ll know once and for all how infectious we are.”
    “Dipshit.  Putting her life at risk is no way to do it,” Zach said.
    “Screw you, Zach.  If I hadn’t walked up, it’d be you right here and not me.  You just about lost your precious self-control the same as I did.  Except I didn’t start it with her, I just ended what you began.”
    Zach clenched his fists but finally backed off, knowing Lucas was right.  There was no sense in arguing about it anymore.  “Fuck it.  What’s done is done.  Either she’s sick like us, or she’s safe.  Either way, we don’t have to be so careful around her anymore if something happens.”
    “Shit, he mighta done us a favor, Zach,” Dante said, considering the facts.
    “Maybe us, but damn sure not her.  Let’s get a shelter built and stop fucking around.  Lucas, you help me.  Dante, you can go find us some food.  Maybe she won’t hate us if we can provide her with a little comfort and some to eat.”
    The guys thought they’d kept their little punishment out of Jasmine’s earshot, but they weren’t very successful at hiding what they were doing from her.  It wasn’t as if there were a lot of places to go, and she was terrified of being left by herself and running up on something horrible to let them get very far away.
    She didn’t know why she’d pushed Lucas so far.  Sure, she could blame it on Zach getting her riled up, but it went deeper than that.
    She hadn’t given a thought to being infected by whatever virus had them in its grip.  Maybe she was a moron, but after what they’d told her, she’d assumed it was something blood born and not an STD.
    She hadn’t felt like herself after Zach had touched her.  That simmering desire rushed to the surface and wouldn’t go away.  It wasn’t that she’d never experienced insatiable feelings before, but this went way over that.  She’d had this crushing need to have one of them inside her.  Almost fiercely alien and unbidden and out of control.  Deep down, she’d known the only way to get it out of her system was to feel him come inside her.
    Worries of infection, pregnancy, and everything else had never even risen in her mind.  And that just wasn’t like her.  In this day and age, it didn’t pay to be careless and stupid like that, and she knew it, and still couldn’t help herself.
    Maybe something was wrong with her.  It’d been this way since they’d all kissed her.  Had something changed in her from that?  Had she in effect been given a small taste of the virus and now subconsciously wanted and needed more?
    She didn’t feel any different other than the unshakeable lust pushing her to the limit.  Not yet.  And if they’d had that much concern about it themselves, they shouldn’t have pushed her.
    Jasmine regretted urging Lucas to take her in the water.  She’d been so achy and unfulfilled, she hadn’t been thinking right.  That growing

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