Savage Bay
cargo bay door is blocked,” Hawkeye said.
    “I see that,” said Touchdown, watching the video feed from Hawkeye’s helmet cam. “That forklift must have prevented the door from closing.”
    “Open it up,” said Hawkeye.
    The blast door began to slowly swing open. Released from the pressure of the hydraulic door, the forklift dropped back onto all four tires.
    From the tunnel, Hawkeye surveyed the room beyond the blast door. It was a dimly-lit cargo bay, the size of two football fields. Around the perimeter of the room were rows of cargo containers and stacks of equipment and supplies. Two other forklifts sat in service bays on the east side of the room. A flatbed truck was parked askew near the center of the room.
    Overhead, a Rail Lift System, or RLS, stretched from one end of the cargo bay to the other. The RLS’s curving metal tracks, hoists, and chains were used to move heavy loads around the vast room. Two enormous cargo containers hung from the track, suspended twenty meters above the floor.
    There was no sign of movement in the room. Titan Six silently entered the cargo bay, watching for any sign of hostile forces.
    “I don’t see anyone,” said Gator.
    “Spread out,” said Hawkeye.
    Titan Six fanned out across the cargo bay, sweeping the area for hostile forces. On the east side of the room, a wide metal platform covered a large square hole in the concrete floor. Hawkeye zeroed in on the cargo elevator.
    “Ops, confirm this platform elevator connects to the subterranean submarine station underneath the complex,” said Hawkeye.
    Cruz studied the image from Hawkeye’s helmet cam on the display in the Ops Center. She then consulted the holographic projection of the Savage Bay complex.
    “Affirmative,” said Cruz. “It’s a cargo elevator to transport supplies and munitions to the submarine service areas about forty meters down. When the base was operational, submarines would enter the facility through subterranean waterways and a lock system for repair and re-supply.” 
    From the far side of the cargo bay, a burst of automatic weapons fire erupted. A line of bullets peppered the ground just centimeters from Hawkeye’s feet.
    Gator was the first to react. He dropped to one knee behind a steel column supporting the ceiling above and returned fire, shooting blindly toward the source of the attack.
    Hawkeye dove for cover behind a pile of crates. The machine gunner followed his movements, and the wooden crates threw splinters into the air as bullets slammed into them.
    “Flank to the north,” yelled Hawkeye.
    Pyro was already moving, circling around behind a row of cargo containers.
    “I see at least three hostiles,” said Tank. He darted out from behind cover across an open area between two rows of shipping containers.
    A single gunshot echoed through the cargo bay.
    A sniper round slammed into Tank’s chest, lifting his feet off the floor and throwing him violently to the ground.
    “Tank!” cried Shooter.
    On Tank’s display in the Ops Center, his vital signs went haywire. Emergency alarms sounded on Touchdown’s computer console.
    “Oh my God,” said Cruz. She covered her mouth with her hands and watched in horror.
    Tank’s video feed blurred as he fell backwards to the ground. Then it became still, facing upward toward the ceiling.
    The shrill alarms continued their frantic alert, echoing in the otherwise silent Ops Center.
    Only the body armor covering Tank’s torso saved him from instant death. Known as Dragon Skin, the ballistic vest was made of overlapping silicon carbide discs capable of stopping multiple rounds from a high-powered weapon.
    Tank crawled across the concrete, gasping for breath. Searing pain lanced through his chest. He rolled behind a row of crates and out of the field of fire.    
    Three more Dragons appeared, firing from

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