disk craft back in the 1950s when the whole UFO flap started?
-- Isn't it odd that the mind control implants that are supposed to be inserted through the nostrils of UFO abductees just happen to conform exactly to the implants designed by Dr. Jose Delgado, the CIA mind control researcher?
-- Isn't it odd that several of the most prominent among "UFO
researchers" have been members of military intelligence, men such as John Lear, "formerly" of the CIA?
-- And isn't it the oddest thing of all that the intelligence agencies of all countries crawl with Freemasons, and that the CIA just happens to have a reported faction of Mother Goddess cultism within its ranks?
Attempting to get a grip on this topic, why would "UFO"
testing be done relatively "out in the open," on military reservations that can be fairly easily observed by a public notified of UFO flights by "former" CIA men eager to spread the truth about the little grey men? Are the military authorities teasing us, as it were, with this open testing, along with all the other revelations of the secret order that underlies the normalized facade of our society and media?
When George Bush spoke repeatedly of the New World Order, is it likely that he would have simply forgotten the thousands of right wingers and conspiracy buffs who for years have used that phrase as the personification of world fascism, evil, and mind control? Or was something else going on, some other process or directed transformation?
When CBS broadcast an Eye in a Triangle in their station identification, could it possibly have been done by accident? Does this not hearken to the "cant" language, the mystical double-talk employed by Freemasons and other secret societies?
Michael Hoffman II has spoken about similar processes involving "revelation of method" or the purposeful giving away of arcane secrets of Freemasonry, which he dubs "the cryptocracy." He likens this to the activities of the alchemists:
This is what simplistic researchers miss: the function of macabre arrogance thumbing its nose at us while we do nothing except spread the tale of their immunity and invincibility further. That is the game plan operant here.
To the belief system of the modern man it sounds too crazy. Why would the perpetrators want their secrets revealed after the fact?... This question can only be definitively answered if one has an understanding of the zeitgeist which overseers in the cryptocracy have partly manufactured and partly tailored their own operations to coincide with.
As I've pointed out, secrets like this were rarely revealed in the past because traditional people had not yet completed the alchemical processing (of mind control). To make such perverse, modern revelations to an unprocessed, healthy and vigorous population possessed of will, memory, adherence to their deepest inner intuition and intense interest in their own salvation, would not have been a good thing for the cryptocracy. It would have proven fatal to them.
But to reveal these after-the-act secrets in our modern time, to a people who have no memory, no willpower and no interest in their own fate except in so far as it may serve as momentary titillation and entertainment actually strengthens the enslavement of such a people.
There is an occult/Freemasonic stratum in the command structure of media and world control. There is a long-term occult agenda in geopolitics that is just now coming to poisonous fruition.
Demons and Adepts
Secret societies such as the Freemasons have been linked throughout their history with the kind of otherworldly visitations that we associate with UFOs, having now conveniently pigeonholed the phenomenon into a "scientific" categorization that removes them from the relatively discredited earlier pigeonhole of being demonic.
"These are highly evolved beings from the planet Xenon," we might be saying, "flying in craft that are thousands of years in advance of our own. You can't use a crucifix to scare these
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