Satin Sheets and Strawberries

Satin Sheets and Strawberries by Marcia Evanick Page B

Book: Satin Sheets and Strawberries by Marcia Evanick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marcia Evanick
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window. Sure, she’d relax. Just as soon as she murdered a certain someone who thought she was too generous with her body.
    Kelli jerked up in bed and became instantly awake. A quick glance at the clock showed it was after two in the morning. What woke her? As another sound reached her ears, fear clutched at her heart. When Logan still hadn’t returned by twelve, she had gone to bed. The doors were unlocked as always; but even Logan couldn’t be making that much noise downstairs.
    She slipped from her bed, nudged Tinkerbell awake, and reached into the closet for a weapon. The only thing she could find was a lacy pink parasol. She stepped out onto the landing and glanced into the darkened living room. Nothing.
    Four steps later she was standing by Logan’s empty bed when she heard the sound of a chair falling over in the kitchen, followed by a bellow of pain. Good Lord, what was going on down there?
    Kelli raised the parasol, shoved Tinkerbell in front of her, and quietly made her way downstairs. When she was halfway across the living room, she heard Josh laugh. She hurried the rest of the way, threw open the kitchen door, and stopped dead in her tracks.
    Josh was leaning nonchalantly against the counter making instant coffee while Logan sat in the middle of the kitchen floor rubbing the back of his head.
    "What is going on here?" she demanded.
    Logan blinked at the three Kellis swirling in front of him and wisely kept his mouth shut. Josh reached for another cup and poured a coffee for Kelli. He placed Logan’s on the floor next to him and handed Kelli hers. "Guess who I brought home?"
    Kelli gaped at Logan. "He’s drunk!"
    "Sloshed to the gills."
    "Tell me he didn’t wreck his car." Logan seemed to be in one piece, except that he kept rubbing the back of his head.
    "You think I would let him drive?"
    "You were with him?"
    Josh walked over to the table and sat down. "Since eight o’clock."
    Kelli grimaced as she watched Logan take a sip of his coffee. "Then why aren’t you drunk?"
    "Haven’t you ever heard of a designated driver?"
    "Yes, but Logan doesn’t seem like the type to plan to get wasted in some bar." With dawning horror she looked at Josh. "Tell me you didn’t take him to Bronco Bill’s." The look on his face told all. She groaned. "How could you, Josh? For Pete’s sake, he is Henry’s nephew."
    "Dammit, Kelli. It started out harmless enough. I figured I’d spike a few of his drinks to loosen him up."
    "I wanted to know what kind of man he was. After all, you were taking a bath with him the other day!"
    "Maybe you should be checking out my morals instead?" she muttered. She glanced in sympathy toward Logan. "It looks like he had more than a few spiked drinks."
    Logan finished his coffee and studied the two spinning Kellis. His vision was improving, but his hearing had a way to go. What were Josh and Kelli arguing about? What in the hell had been in those drinks?
    "Well, once he started talking, it got real interesting."
    Kelli slammed her half-full mug on the table. "What got interesting?"
    "Sorry, love, it isn’t my place to tell you." Josh grinned.
    "Tell me what?"
    Josh rose to his feet and placed his and Kelli’s cups in the sink. "There are certain times in a man’s life when he’s entitled to get drunk."
    Kelli rose to her feet and shouted, "Such as?"
    "His bachelor party."
    "Logan’s not getting married."
    "Loss of a loved one."
    "No one died, Josh, yet."
    Josh heard the hostility in her voice, but he didn’t think she was as upset as she sounded. "How about shore leave?"
    "Logan’s a geologist, not a sailor."
    Logan wanted to agree with Kelli, to tell them he wasn’t a sailor, but didn’t want to call attention to himself. As long as she ranted and raved at Josh, he was safe. Logan didn’t want the full force of that temper turned on him. Somewhere in the back of his mind he knew Josh was the cause of him sitting on the kitchen floor. Revenge—namely having Kelli

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