Satin Sheets and Strawberries

Satin Sheets and Strawberries by Marcia Evanick Page A

Book: Satin Sheets and Strawberries by Marcia Evanick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marcia Evanick
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a laugh. Ruth and Henry were still giving her strange looks. First they had been as careful around her as if they were walking on eggshells, now they looked ready to commit her to the funny farm.
    Logan was the only one enjoying himself.
    Well, Kelli decided, two can play this game. She slipped her sneaker off under the table and rubbed her foot on Logan’s calf. "Some more peas, Ruth?" Kelli asked innocently.
    Logan felt her toes massage his leg, reaching higher and higher. He gulped, and dropped the forkful of stuffing that was halfway to his mouth.
    Ruth looked at him, concerned. "Logan, are you all right? You look a little pale."
    Logan glared at Kelli, but her head was bent down, as she continued to eat her dinner. He moved his leg away from her. "I’m fine, Ruth."
    Kelli looked up, her eyes sparkling. "I don’t know, Logan. You do look a little furry around the edges." Henry and Ruth exchanged curious glances as a tide of red swept up Logan’s cheek. With a shrug of their shoulders they finished their meal and retreated into the living room, leaving the kitchen to the odd couple.
    Logan waited until the door swung shut. "You shouldn’t play with fire."
    There was an innocent gleam in her eyes as she purred, "I thought it was bunnies I was playing with."
    He pulled her chair out. "If your foot had gone any higher, it would have met Thumper."
    A silent O formed on her lips. He pulled her up against him. "You still don’t understand what you do to me, do you?"
    Kelli gazed into his desire-filled eyes and melted. She could feel the heat of him. His body was pressed against her and his strong arms held her. He might not love her, but he wanted her. Was it enough? Somehow she’d make it enough. Her arms encircled his neck, and she whispered his name. "Logan."
    He was lost. He lowered his head and captured the lips that had spoken his name so softly. Heat pounded through his body as he plunged his tongue deep into her mouth. Lord, how he wanted this woman.
    Kelli purred with satisfaction and pressed in closer. She felt his hands pull her hips against his hardening body and groaned when he broke the kiss. "Feel what you do to me. All you have to do is look at me and I get aroused." He placed a kiss on the tip of her nose and watched as she opened her passion-darkened eyes. "Kelli, what am I going to do with you?" He smiled ruefully. "Don’t answer that. I know what I would like to do, but it’s not going to happen." He gently lowered her arms and backed up a step. "Ruth and Henry are on the other side of that door. If they knew what I was thinking, they’d throw me out of here. They love you like a granddaughter."
    "The feeling is mutual."
    Logan tenderly ran his thumb over her moist, swollen lower lip and sighed. "They think you could walk on water if you wanted to. Don’t you see, you’re their savior. You were here when they needed someone. I wasn’t. You’re open, kind, and generous to a fault."
    He heard the bewilderment in her voice and quickly dropped his hand. "Don’t be generous with me, Kelli." He backed up to the coat rack and grabbed his coat. "I don’t deserve it."
    She watched as he opened the door and stepped outside. "Logan, you’re wrong," she called. She felt filled with sadness as the door closed behind him. She wasn’t sure what had happened. Did he think she was being generous by melting into his arms? Was her generosity wrong?
    Five minutes later Ruth found Kelli scouring the dishes and generally slopping water all over the place. Kelli looked furious.
    "Where’s Logan."
    She had heard Logan’s car pull out of the drive moments after he walked out. "He wanted to take a ride."
    "Didn’t you want to go?"
    "No, I’m almost finished with the painting. A couple more hours tonight and I’ll be done."
    Ruth picked up a dish towel and started to dry the dishes. "That’s wonderful. Now you will have time to relax." Kelli muttered an appropriate response as she glared out the kitchen

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