
Sati by Christopher Pike

Book: Sati by Christopher Pike Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christopher Pike
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or there on the surface does notdo much. I will give you an example. Say you have cancer. Today, these practices you speak of would have you im-agine that you are well. That your body is whole and fit.
    Now it isy ou who has created your body. It is you who holds it together.I f is you who has made it sick.
    But allthese things youhave done from a very deep level of the mind. If on the surface of the mind you imagine that you are healthy,whenthe deeper part of your mind is saying you're sick, then you only break the connection betweenthe mind andthe body further. Lack of mind-body co-ordination is what leads to sickness inthefirstplace.'
    Linda was now annoyed.' But studies have shown that people who do visualisation exercises get better much quicker. What do you have to say about that?'
    'Different studies show different things. If you enjoy these exercises, there is no reason you should stop.'
    Linda tried a different approach.'W hat about dreams? I do a lot of work with my dreams. Does this have a value?'
    'No. Dreams have different sources. Some come from your daily likes and dislikes. Some arise out of latent impressionsinthe mind so old you would have trouble imagining. Still others are premonitions. The trouble is, it is impossible to tell whatthe source is. Also, all dreams, in one form or another, arethe release of something. By putting your attention onthem, you re-emphasise those thingsthemind is trying to release. It'slike sorting through your garbage. It's unnecessary. It's all just garbage. Throw it out"
    'So what you're saying essentially is that all my spiritual practices are garbage?'Linda asked. Sati did not respond. She just stared at Linda.It was obviously hard for Linda to take, although I'd always found Sati
    's stare soothing.'Iknow for a fact that I feel better when I visualise whitelight,'Linda blurted out' I feel calmer,less stressed.You're not going to convince me differently."
    'I am not trying to convince you of anything,'Sati said gently.' Butthelight isalready present inside you.
    Some small turning of your attention and there it is. There is no need to visualise it. There are otherlights besides white. You have seenthem?'
    Linda stopped.' Yes.'

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    'Before your meeting began.W hen we were sittinginsilence withoureyes closed'
    'Our meeting began with silence. Silence follows usall the way through. What lights did you see?'
    'White and red and blue,'
    'You liked them?'
    Linda stammered, 'Y-yes.'
    'They are there. They are real.You are full of lights. I see them in you. You are beautiful to me.'
    Linda suddenly seemed less stressed.'I hope they come back.'
    Sati shrugged.'I t is inevitable.'
    Linda sat down. The Hare Krishna raised his hand.'Are you saying you are Krishna?'he asked.
    'Yes. I even know how to play the flute.'
    The Hare Krishna smiled and went on,' I agree with much of your philosophy. But your emphasis on having fun in the world contradicts what the scriptures, both Eastern and Western, have to say.'
    'Where is the scripture that says you mustn't be happy? Show me it and I will tell you that you're not reading scripture at all. However, I am not advocating a hedonist's life-style, unless of course you honestly feel that's what makes you happy. The key word here is' honestly'.Your intuition is sharper now than when your holy books were written. You are all older and wiser. Your intuition is a truer guide to right action than a list of commandments. Examine what truly makes you happy. Do drugs? How many could honestly answer yes to that? Does cheating other people? Does murdering them? Of course these things do not bring happiness, not even to a serial killer. Do what you feel is best,but don't fret over your mistakes.No one is keeping track of them. Be simple, be natural,and you will come close to being who you really are.'
    A man who could have been the bank president spoke.
    'You said we arenow

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