Satan, You Can't Have My Children: The Spiritual Warfare Guide for Every Parent

Satan, You Can't Have My Children: The Spiritual Warfare Guide for Every Parent by Iris Delgado Page B

Book: Satan, You Can't Have My Children: The Spiritual Warfare Guide for Every Parent by Iris Delgado Read Free Book Online
Authors: Iris Delgado
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knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children.
    —H OSEA 4:6


    An alarmingly high percentage of our children are under demonic attacks. Children are hitting, kicking, yelling, and cursing at their parents. Many children of Christian parents have become blatantly disobedient. (The percentage is much higher in non-Christian homes.) I have counseled with desperate mothers who tell me that even spanking and strict restrictions do not produce change or have an effect upon their children. As a former teacher in a Christian school, I was able to observe the defiant behavior of students in the classroom. Going to the principal’s office and being sent home only worked for a short period of time. Parents are at their wit’s end. They don’t know what else to do. Even going to counselors sometimes doesn’t help.
    Many children end up in a school counselor’s office, only to then be sent to a psychiatrist who diagnoses some kind of attention disorder or some other sickness or disorder. After many dollars and hours spent in therapy, as well as many medications prescribed, many parents will say that the situation is not getting any better. I hear parents say, “While he’s on medication, I can tolerate him, but once the medication wears off, he becomes a little devil again.”
    If you are in this situation, let me address these thoughts to you. Make a thorough examination of your heart and thoughts. Are you quick with your tongue? Do you yell and scream when you get angry? Do you fight with your husband in front of the children? Are you always talking negatively? Do you fly off the handle easily? Do you become impatient with the many questions your child asks? Are you a workaholic who cannot make enough time to nurture and spend time with your children? Do you make a habit of going to church on Sundays and taking your child to a Bible class? Do your children watch television unsupervised for many hours at a time? Do you allow violent adult movies in the presence of your children? Is pornography allowed in your home?
    There are so many other questions I could ask, but you get the idea I am trying to convey. What you allow in your home and heart is having and will have a tremendous effect upon your family. Children in these situations are experiencing the effects of learned behavioral patterns during childhood. In many instances evil spirits play a big role in the child’s behavior.
    In order to reverse this pattern, there has to be great change. It begins with you, Mom and Dad. First, there must be repentance from the heart, followed by forsaking the past and allowing God to change and heal you. I greatly recommend that you ask your family members to forgive you of your ignorance and ungodly actions. Forgiveness releases healing and sets captives free.
    It will be a process of each day consciously deciding to allow the Holy Spirit to teach you and help you change old habits and patterns of thinking.
    I recommend that you begin with the words that you speak. Let them be positive and constructive. When you feel like arguing, stop and willfully decide that you are not going to become upset, but you will have self-control. Make prayer a practice every day. Surrender your life to your heavenly Father, and ask the Holy Spirit to help you in everything you do. Begin the walk to blessings and victories today. Don’t put it off for another moment. Your children will see and notice the difference and will imitate you.
    As you mature, you will be able to enter into the spiritual warfare this book talks about. Then you will be able to use the keys of binding and loosing, and you will see the strongholds of disobedience and defiance in your children destroyed by God’s power. Believe in your heart that as you apply the blood of Jesus, the enemy has to flee from your home. But parents, it first begins with you.

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