Sarah Woods Mystery Series (Volume 3)

Sarah Woods Mystery Series (Volume 3) by Jennifer L. Jennings

Book: Sarah Woods Mystery Series (Volume 3) by Jennifer L. Jennings Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer L. Jennings
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splashed some cold water on my face.
    When I returned to the sitting room, I noticed Carter out on the balcony, so I joined him.
    He smiled at me. “Feel better?”
    “ A little.” I had to admit, I was glad that Carter was there. His energy had a calming effect on me, something I needed desperately. It also made me wonder … what would Carter be like as a lover? Would he be sweet and attentive? Or aloof and selfish? Why did I care? I couldn’t think of him that way. He was my partner and besides, it’s not like I was even attracted to him. Although, I couldn’t deny there was something …but maybe it was just the simple fact that he was there for me. I trusted him. He had my back. And that was more than I could say for most people.
    Neither one of us said a word as we stared out to the vast, black ocean. The humidity seemed more intense with the lack of breeze Carter didn’t seem in a hurry to say anything and I was fine with that.
    After a few minutes, I turned to Carter and said, “It's been a hectic few days. You don't have to stay if you’re exhausted.”
    “ Nah. I don't sleep much, anyway. ”
    “ Why not?”
    “ I don't know,” he said. “I guess I'm afraid of monsters.”
    Just like Carter to crack a joke at his expense to cheer me up. I laughed because I knew of the monsters he was referring to. They were not living, breathing beasts. They were the regrets of his past, lurking in the shadows, never letting him forget.
    “ Is it because of your daughter?” I asked, remembering the story he told me of her drug overdose that happened so many years ago. My hunch was that Carter still blamed himself, and I suspected he'd always wear that blame like a noose around his neck, until the day he died.
    “ Maybe it's time to kill the monsters,” I told him. “Stick a knife in their wretched little hearts and be done with 'em.”
    He chuckled softly. “Believe me, Sarah, I've tried. Very elusive bastards.”
    “ I know.” I reached out to touch his shoulder. “Boy, don't I know.”
    He took a step back, breaking my contact. “Maybe I should go,” he said. “Max will probably be walking in any minute.”
    Reality came flooding back. “Yeah. You're right. He and I have a lot to talk about.”
    I followed him back into the sitting room. He opened the door to leave and said, “Guess I'll see you tomorrow morning?”
    “ Sure.”
    After Carter left, I checked my phone and felt my heart pounding in my chest. Nothing. Nada. No calls, texts, or emails from Max.
    Was he still at Jenn's house? Was he out taking a long walk by himself?
    Those questions and many others haunted my mind in the following two hours that I waited for him. Surely, he'd come back, I kept telling myself while staring at the door, keeping my phone glued to my hand. Surely, he'd be back any minute.
    But he never came back.

Chapter 18
    The next morning, my eyes popped open, waking from a disturbing dream. I blinked, looked around and realized I was alone in bed.
    My mouth felt as dry as cotton balls. I fetched a cold bottle of water from the fridge and guzzled the whole thing.
    It was 8:45. I jumped in the shower, dressed in my usual jeans and cotton blouse, and pulled my hair back into a ponytail.
    Carter was waiting for me in the lobby. He handed me a cup of coffee. I expected him to ask about Max, but he didn't. He must have noticed my bloodshot eyes and surmised that the topic would best be avoided.
    “ So the Delray Beach Community Center is about a ten-minute drive,” Carter said, all business. “Just stay on Route one North and you'll run into it. Are you sure you're feeling up to this?”
    I nodded with determination. “Absolutely. I just want to get this case solved so we can get paid and get back to New Hampshire. I'm so done with Florida right now.”
    “ I hear ya.” He gave me a friendly pat on the arm. “Call me as soon as you have something.”
    “ What are you gonna do in the meantime?” I

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