Sand and Sin

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Book: Sand and Sin by Dani Jace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dani Jace
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sex. It’d always worked before.
    She rubbed the outline bulging beneath his jeans. “Mmm. I’ve missed this fine tool.”
    He shivered. His supposed fine tool jerked its appreciation at the compliment. Hell! He shouldn’t have come here. Even though he and Peri had no ties, this felt wrong. Usually his cock and heart were in agreement. Peri changed everything. It sucked they couldn’t be together. And right now he’d certainly like to be sucked.
    Monica squeezed his girth, reminding him of Peri’s long digits. He pretended her caresses belonged to his angel. Through closed lids, he replayed how Peri took him down her graceful throat.
    He clutched the dark waves of her hair as she bowed to his zipper. He wanted to fuck her mouth and petite body until he couldn’t feel. Fuck the pain away. He pried her hands from his groin.
    Monica glanced up at him, her almond-shaped eyes round.
    “I’m sorry. This is a mistake.” He started to rise.
    She grabbed his arm. “Talk to me Jax.”
    He slumped against the pillows. “It’s complicated.”
    “Oh, no it’s not, Jax Taylor. You’re in love.” She grinned.
    Guess he was human after all.
    * * * *
    After twenty minutes of advice, he didn’t ask for, or necessarily want, from a woman he’d turned down, Jax wondered what the hell was wrong with him. Why had Monica suddenly gone all sisterly on him?
    Back at his condo, he walked past the broken glass to his bedroom and drew open the closet door, double-checking his dress uniform for tomorrow’s funeral.
    From the wood box where he kept his bars and pins, he retrieved his oldest Trident pin. SEALs called them the Budweiser. This one he’d received upon completion of BUD/S school and it meant the most. He left it out with his dress blues.
    Peri had offered to fly out when he’d finally called her yesterday. Hell, she probably couldn’t have gotten a flight anyway. And wasn’t that why he hadn’t called her sooner?
    He sat on his bed and fell back, rubbing his temples. He didn’t deserve to have her comfort. Sam’s family didn’t have him for theirs. He never wanted Peri to be in the same situation. Going to his funeral.
    Yet, Monica’s words scalded his chest like one hundred fifty proof liquor. “You’re in love, Jax Taylor.”

Chapter 15
    Peri’s hands trembled while clicking her seatbelt in place. With TJ’s help, she managed to secure a flight with only one stop to make California in time. The plane descended while she second-guessed surprising Jax.
    Would he be upset by her coming? He’d told her he was fine and he didn’t see the point of her leaving Haley or the Trident, but he never said no.
    As soon as the plane touched down, she sent a text to the number TJ had given her. A wife of a SEAL on another team who was deployed should be waiting. Already dressed for the funeral, Peri grabbed her carry-on, her only luggage, and made her way off the plane. The last thing she wanted was to make her ride late.
    Exiting to the terminal gate, she walked slowly, scanning the multitude of signs. She smiled at the one printed in red. Jax’s Peri with a heart as the apostrophe. She’d never seen their names together. Whether it would prove true remained to be seen. Her name beside his made her smile just the same. “Hi, I’m Peri.”
    “Emily.” A petite brunette extended her hand. She wore high heel, strappy black sandals, a style Peri wished she could wear without being taller than most men.
    “I can’t thank you enough.”
    “Not a problem. My husband and TJ trained together. Last year, TJ let us stay at his place for a week’s vacation in Virginia Beach while he and his girlfriend were away.” She started walking. “We’ll get your bags and head for the cemetery.”
    “This is my only luggage.” She glanced to the small rolling suitcase. “Did I make you miss the church service?” Her stomach dropped, worried she’d put the woman out.
    “Sam didn’t want one.” Emily gave

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