Samantha Kane
plumping them up, pinching her nipples. It al felt
    so incredibly decadent, even through her chemise, and so very,
    very good. Then he slipped the last layer of her clothing over her
    head and she was naked before them.
    She should be nervous, at the least self-conscious of her body.
    She didn’t have much of a figure. Her breasts were no more than
    a handful, her hips almost nonexistent. But she felt like a veritable goddess the way the two men were touching her and looking at
    her. She didn’t want to change a thing about herself at that
    When Oliver stood he trailed his hands up her bare legs, over
    her hips, and then he held her waist as he dipped his head and
    licked one of her nipples. Nick held her breast for him, an
    offering in the palm of his hand, and Vanessa arched her back,
    thrusting her breast toward him, wanting him to taste it. Would
    he take it in his mouth?
    He did. He wrapped his lips around the sensitive point he’d
    licked and then he sucked, just a bit. She put her hand on his
    shoulder for balance and noticed her breathing was labored. And
    shoulder for balance and noticed her breathing was labored. And
    they’d barely begun. Then he sucked harder, and opened his
    mouth wider so that a little more of her breast went in his mouth
    and that felt so amazing she just had to let out a little moan. His
    laughter against her breast was shockingly intimate.
    Oliver began to sink to his knees, licking her stomach and biting
    her hip as he went. But her breasts didn’t feel abandoned
    because Nick began to caress them again. Oliver buried his nose
    in the springy hair covering her mons and Vanessa felt a little
    trepidation start to invade her pleasure. Was this something he
    truly wanted to do? What if he didn’t like it? Or more precisely,
    what if he didn’t like her? She had no idea what that portion of
    her anatomy must taste like.
    “Stop,” she said in a panic.
    He stopped immediately, settling back on his heels and looking
    up at her. He was so incredibly unself-conscious. But then, he
    had no reason to worry, did he? He was physicaly beautiful in
    every way. “What is it?” he whispered. He caressed her hip in a
    soft, soothing stroke. “It won’t hurt, you know.”
    She shook her head, because that wasn’t what she was worried
    about. But how to say what she was thinking? She bit her lip as
    she stared at him.
    He sighed. “Do you want me to lick you, Vanessa, or not? I very
    much want to.” He leaned in again, and again he put his nose on
    her mons and inhaled deeply. “You smel divine. Like aroused
    woman. My mouth is watering for a taste.”
    “Realy?” she asked in tiny voice, not wanting to make him feel
    obligated to do it if he didn’t want to. But she very much wanted
    him to.
    “Realy,” he assured her with a wicked smile. Then he tapped the
    little button at the top of her crease with the tip of his tongue and she gasped at the sensation. Nick reached down and puled her
    leg up with a hand on her thigh. He set her foot on Oliver’s thigh,
    exposing her. Her face felt positively crimson with
    embarrassment, but her new position seemed to push Oliver
    from playful to intent in the blink of an eye.
    He slid his tongue deeper into her crease and Vanessa could feel
    that she was wet there already, knew he tasted the cream of her
    arousal. She could feel that tongue gliding and then he licked her
    lower lips, which felt swolen with want. His hands gripped her
    thighs, holding her open for his pleasure as his tongue played
    with her entrance, dipping in and retreating, circling, and she
    shivered in Nick’s arms.
    Without a word Nick ran his hand through Oliver’s hair and he
    stopped and looked up. Nick picked her up and sat down on
    the edge of the bed with her in his lap. He tucked his knees
    between hers and spread her wide again. Oliver just grinned and
    between hers and spread her wide again. Oliver just grinned and
    crawled over to them on al fours, his eyes

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