Sam Samurai

Sam Samurai by Jon Scieszka

Book: Sam Samurai by Jon Scieszka Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jon Scieszka
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Published by Puffin Books, 2002
This edition published by Puffin Books, a division of Penguin Young Readers Group, 2006

Text copyright © Jon Scieszka, 2001
    Illustrations copyright © Penguin Putnam Inc., 2001
Illustrations by Adam McCauley
    All rights reserved
Scieszka, Jon.
Sam Samurai / by Jon Scieszka ; illustrated by Adam McCauley.
p. cm.—(The time warp trio)
Summary: Joe, Fred, and Sam are transported to seventeenth century Japan where they in
furiate a Samurai warrior, encounter their great-granddaughters, and save their lives by
reciting an ancient form of poetry.
    eISBN : 978-1-101-07777-1
    The Time Warp Trio ® is a registered trademark of Penguin Group (USA) Inc.

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To Donna—
a real samurai shuutome
    For Tim-san-

    Sam stood frozen in his ready karate pose. He spoke in a low voice.
    “Do not move an inch.
    If we’re where I think we are,
    We are dead meat.“
    “What are you talking about?” said Fred loudly. “So we’re probably in Japan. I’ll bet we can get some great noodles and sushi.”
    I wasn’t sure exactly where Sam thought we were, but I knew we weren’t in Sam’s house anymore. Fred, Sam, and I were standing on a low wooden platform that covered most of a small dirt floor room. A flickering fire burned in a rectangular pit cut into the side of the platform near the dirt floor. A metal teapot hung over the fire from a long hook in the ceiling. In the jumpy light I could just make out a few mats around the fire pit. There were no chairs, no tables, no beds.

    I whispered to Sam and Fred as I looked around the room, “It sure looks like Japan, but I think we are okay because there aren’t any samur —aaiiiiieeee!”
    A crazy, wild scream exploded out of me. All three of us jumped against the wall, because there in the farthest, darkest corner of the room, looking just like the guy in the picture Sam had shown us, sat a samurai warrior in full battle gear.
    Layers of shiny black and red strips of armor covered his shoulders. A breastplate and skirt kind of thing of the same strips tied with gold cords covered his chest and lower body. He wore black leather and chain arm covers, padded shin guards and foot covers, and a wild gold-horned black helmet sprouting side flaps. A thin gold sliver shaped like a new moon topped everything off.

    He sat motionless in the corner, staring at us like we were rats in a trap.
    “Oh ... my ... ga-ga-gosh,” gasped Sam. “I told you this is what would happen.”
    Even Fred, who is pretty hard to rattle, sucked in a nervous breath.
    I quickly bowed my most serious bow like I had seen

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