Salvation's Secrets (The Loflin Legacy Prequel)
    It didn’t escape Celia’s cool gaze the
host’s pallor had grown even whiter than before. Good !
    Finally, without anyone coming to his aid,
Alfred admitted defeat by unhooking the velvet rope from its brass
pole and ushering them in.
    Claudette took Broken Horse’s arm and
preceded Celia and Seth to their table. “Well, that was exciting,”
she said to the room at large. “We’ll have to eat out more often,
won’t we Seth?”
    The cool glance Seth gave her rolled off
like water. Was she oblivious to what had transpired? Celia glanced
at Broken Horse but gained no idea as to his opinion of her
statement. Unwilling to offer any affirmation to Claudette’s
babbling, Celia concentrated on arranging her suit in the tiny
wooden chair and remained quiet.
    After the waiter took their drink orders,
Broken Horse leaned close to Celia. “You realize there is no such
    Unable to contain the genuine satisfaction
she felt at having gained a small victory for her “kind”, Celia
gave him a wicked grin before answering. “Really? Well, wherever
did I get that silly notion then?” She shook her head gently as her
words dripped with the warm southern belle dialect she’d mimicked
so many times back east. She batted her eyelashes dramatically for
her cousin while the corners of her mouth curled upward in a
triumphant little smile. Broken Horse and Claudette’s laughter
floated around them as Celia placed the napkin primly in her lap
and concentrated on perusing the menu.
    From across the table, she noted Seth shift
his silverware and looked up in time to catch a glimpse of
steely-blue eyes staring hard at her. He’d said nothing since
they’d settled. It needled her she would’ve enjoyed some kind of
reaction from him as well. Then from those dark blue eyes, Celia
saw the briefest of flickers, something akin to admiration in his
depths? The slight curve of her lips was the only sign she’d
noticed the brief response. A small tingle of warmth spread through
her. If the fates were with her, perhaps she could weather this
brief repast unscathed.
    “Honey, you sure told him.” Claudette smiled
approvingly and patted Celia’s wrist.
    Feeling exuberant, Celia smiled back at
Claudette. So the blonde was a little slow on the draw, so what?
With a wink, she turned her attention to her own menu.
    The meal progressed without further
incident. The conversation was light and centered on Tyler and its
people. Claudette proved to be a virtual fountain of information.
Celia was silently grateful for the knowledge Claudette provided.
She learned there was a doctor in town and if there were medicines
she needed, the man could be of assistance. Claudette continued to
dominate the conversation until their coffee arrived.
    “We simply must see more of you while you
are here, my dear. Isn’t that right, Seth?” Claudette turned her
pale lashes in his direction and reached out, taking his hand in
hers. They exchanged a smile between them.
    A small flicker of green curled in Celia’s
belly before she pushed it down. “Yes, that would be lovely,” she
    Seth’s deep controlled drawl followed
Claudette’s statement. “I’m sure Celia hasn’t come all this way to
visit with a bunch of ranch riff-raff, Claudette.” Seth cut his
challenging stare at Celia.
    Her soundless oath was in Comanche and
Celia’s breath came out short as she glared back at him. He thought
she considered herself too good to associate with him then. How
dare he mock her education.
    “Perhaps though, she would like to attend
the barn dance at the end of the round-up?” Seth continued his
perusal of her in his cool discerning way.
    Celia glared at him silently. Mr. Loflin
could go to hell!
    “Oh, what a splendid idea.” Claudette
squirmed in her chair. Reaching out, she took Celia’s fingers. “You
simply must attend the dance, Celia. Why everyone who’s anyone will
be there. The Loflins put on the best round-up celebration

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