Safe to love you (Ink Series - Spin Off Book 2)

Safe to love you (Ink Series - Spin Off Book 2) by Jude Ouvrard

Book: Safe to love you (Ink Series - Spin Off Book 2) by Jude Ouvrard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jude Ouvrard
lets her skin dry. I watch unashamedly as she slips the t-shirt back on and undoes her hair from the loose knot she had it tied in. She settles on the counter and watches me in the bathtub, raising one eyebrow. I think it’s my cue to get out of the water. She throws me a towel as I step out and she watches as I dry off and put on a pair of boxers.
    Abbie leads the way back into the bedroom and settles on the bed, sliding under the sheets. My gut is telling me to join her, but I hesitate, trying to ascertain if I have the willpower to be in bed with her without trying anything. When I finally join her, she rests her head on my shoulder. There’s no need to talk; she's fast asleep within a couple of minutes. I settle back to watch some TV and smooth her hair with my fingers, enjoying every second. Her breathing isn’t steady, and she grips the skin on my chest. It doesn’t hurt, but I wonder why she's doing it, thinking she might be having a nightmare.
    “Presley?'' She murmurs my name with her eyes closed.
    ''Yeah?'' I'm surprised to hear her voice; I honestly thought she was asleep.
    ''I think I love you.'' I heard it, she said it aloud and I know she’s dreaming.
    ''Really?'' I can’t help myself, I want confirmation.
    ''Mmm hmm...'' She groans softly. ''It smells so good in here. Are you cooking or something?''
    No doubt about it, she's definitely sleeping. ''Yeah, we're having pancakes with fresh strawberries.'' I smile to myself.
    She is so adorable. I continue smoothing her hair while I try to control my laughter, and fail miserably. Her head jiggles against my chest as I try to keep my amusement in check.
    She clears her throat. ''Are you laughing or crying?'' she mumbles. I wonder if she's awake now.
    ''I'm laughing. Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you.'' I try harder to control myself.
    ''Mmm hmm.'' She kisses my chest and goes back to sleep. This time, I quickly join her and settle into a deep sleep.

    For some reason, ever since I woke up, I’ve been craving pancakes. I still can't help but chuckle every time I think about her talking in her sleep. I suggested to Abbie that we go out to eat breakfast, and she happily agrees.
    We’re entering a restaurant in Times Square for breakfast and being seated, when I hear this dark-haired, dark-skinned guy who yells from the back of the restaurant. ''Abbie Rylee! What are you doing here?”
    The guy is way too happy to see her. He jogs to the front of the restaurant and scoops Abbie into his arms, hugging her tightly – a little too tightly for my tastes. Abbie is all smiles, almost ignoring me as she hugs this guy back. It bugs the crap out of me, but I keep my cool and wait to discover who the hell he is.
    ''Cam, it's been so long! What are you doing here?'' Abbie looks happy and her smile is radiant.
    ''I’m just here for a few days,'' the guy responds.
    So are we, and now you’re ruining my precious time with her, I think to myself .
    ''Me too! Where do you live now?'' she asks.
    Who is this guy, and why is she so interested?
    ''I live in South Carolina, and I hate it so bad! I'm moving back to the West coast next week. Portland or Seattle, I’m not sure which yet,'' he explains. ''I'm supposed to hear back from a couple of places where I applied for a job in the next day or two.''
    Portland, definitely Portland, I think to myself.
    ''I’m in Seattle,'' Abbie announces.
    Jesus Christ, Abbie. Are you trying to kill me here? I recognize that I’m jealous and I hate myself for it.
    ''Give me your phone – I’ll add my number and you can give me a call.'' Abbie hands him her phone, totally ignoring both the waitress and me. Suddenly, she seems to recall that I’m there. ''Presley! I'm so sorry; this is my friend, Cam. We’ve known each other since we were born. Cam, this is my...'' She hesitates and I see her thinking it over for a split-second before she continues. ''Boyfriend, yes, this is my boyfriend, Presley Williams.'' It soothes my ego a little when I

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