Safe and Sound
    “There is no detectable pattern. Nothing is consistent. There’s nothing to link one crime scene to another. The data presents a wide variety of accelerants, methods of ignition, several different types of structures… It’s all so perfectly random, it’s brilliant,” Aiden said and Captain Graves snorted then rubbed his hand over his bald head on the screen of Aiden’s phone.
    “You don’t have to be so complimentary,” he complained and Aiden shrugged.
    “It’s not often that I encounter such a methodical, intelligent and original criminal,” he said and Graves chuckled.
    “I suppose. You’re sure it’s all the same person?” He asked and Aiden blinked several times as he considered Graves’ question. Why wouldn’t I be sure? He wondered.
    “The matches,” he said and Graves brows pulled together in confusion.
    “The matches?” He asked and Aiden rushed across the living room and snatched a photo off the table and pointed the phone at it.
    “They’re at every scene. Even the ones that didn’t require a match. If you have them analyzed, you’ll find they’re the same brand and type,” Aiden suggested and Graves gasped.
    “Son of a bitch,” he whispered. “How did we miss this?” Graves asked and Aiden shook his head.
    “I don’t know.” He looked up as the front door opened and Lane gave him a pointed look, warning him. “I need to go. Lane’s home and you know he doesn’t like when I do FaceTime calls when he’s here,” Aiden said and Graves saluted.
    “Have a good evening and thanks for the lead on the matches,” Graves said and Aiden smiled.
    “You’re welcome. I’ll call or email if I find anything else,” Aiden said and Lane cleared his throat impatiently. “Bye.” Aiden watched Graves wave then ended the call. He set the phone on the coffee table and reached for Lane just before he crashed into him. “How was your day?” He asked as he pressed his face into Lane’s shoulder, inhaling as much of his scent as he could. Lane sighed heavily as his hands swept over Aiden’s back.
    “Boring. But it’s better now that I’m home,” he said as his hands traveled lower. Aiden growled softly as his lips found Lane’s ear.
    “I missed you. Why are we still wearing clothes?” He asked as he backed Lane toward the stairs and Lane gave him a pointed look.
    “I was ready at the door but you were in a call. I can’t strip off my pants if you’ve got the camera on,” he complained and Aiden smiled.
    “I got off the phone quickly. In case we had a No Pants situation,” he said and Lane laughed.
    “You’re a No Pants situation,” Lane murmured and Aiden nodded in agreement as he flicked the button of Lane’s trousers and pulled the zipper. Lane groaned as his lips covered Aiden’s and his tongue was demanding as it swept through Aiden’s mouth. Aiden’s hand slid beneath the waistband of Lane’s boxers and he hummed happily as it wrapped around Lane’s heavy, thick hard-on. Lane sighed in relief as Aiden stroked. “Fuck. I love you,” he panted and Aiden grinned.
    “I love you. And I love this,” he said as he tugged firmly.
    The doorbell rang and Aiden shook his head, willing whoever it was to go away. He grabbed a handful of Lane’s hair and kissed him hungrily as his hand reached lower. Lane moaned as Aiden squeezed his sack. The doorbell rang again and Lane cursed as he pulled his lips free.
    “I think I have to get that,” Lane grumbled and Aiden shook his head.
    “You’re Chief of Police and it’s your house. You can do whatever you want,” he argued and Lane groaned as he pulled Aiden’s hand out of his boxers and zipped.
    “No. If that was true, I could shoot whoever decided it was a good idea to ring my doorbell,” Lane said as he quickly tucked in his shirt before he looked through the peephole. “Kat?” He gasped as he unlocked the door and pulled it open. Aiden’s lips pulled tight as he waited and prepared himself. He

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