Sabrina (Big Sky Dreams 2)
Sabrina was as open with them as she had been with everyone else, but for some reason, talking about Denver this night made her ache. She missed Danny and Callie and wondered for the first time in a long while what might have happened to her sister.
    96 For this reason, she walked back to her apartment very slowly. There was plenty of light in the sky when she left the Dorns, and she assured Jeb she would be fine, but she dawdled and before she knew it, the air was cooling and the sky was growing dim. She was on Willow Street, her building just ahead, when she heard a commotion, a man yelling, a woman crying, and the pathetic, tinny cry of an infant.
    SABRINA DIDN'T THINK, AND she didn't hesitate but went to the door
    of the house in front of her and opened it. A man was standing over a woman, his arm raised to strike her, and strike her he did.
    "Stop that!" Sabrina ordered and started toward him, but the man only reached back long enough to slap her away.
    Sabrina was thrown back, her face hurting, but she was made of sterner stuff. As soon as she scrambled to her feet, she attacked the man from the back, raking his face with her nails. He turned from hitting the woman and bellowed, throwing Sabrina off in the process before running for the door.
    Sabrina went to the woman, who had fallen into one corner. She was unconscious, her face a mass of bruises. She heard noise behind her and turned for another attack, but it was a woman.
    "What happened?"
    The light was too dim, but Sabrina knew that voice.
    "Crystal, is that you?"
    "Go for the doctor and the sheriff. Hurry!"
    It was no small task, but Sabrina lifted the small woman and took
    98 her to the bedroom. She laid her across the rumple of bedclothes and covered her as best she could. Not until all this was done did she go back to the living room and pick up the tiny creature in the basket. Her heart caught in her throat when she realized how small it was.
    Oh, God, please, Sabrina's heart prayed. It's so tiny. Please God-please help it.
    Sabrina suddenly felt the warmth and the wet all at the same time. The baby's skin was very warm, but the thin blanket was soaked through. The lantern was dim, but she rummaged near the basket and found a dry cloth. Stripping off everything, the baby in a crying frenzy, Sabrina rewrapped the infant and snuggled her close. A girl, a small baby girl, so new her umbilical cord was still long.
    She had only just quieted her when a man came in the door. He identified himself as Sheriff Kaderly and asked what had happened.
    "A woman's been beaten. I put her on the bed."
    Nate said nothing else but went toward the bedroom. Sabrina sat in the room's only available chair, held the baby close, and begged God for some kind of miracle.
    Rylan had not been home ten minutes when oneof Nate's deputies, Lewis Varner, came for him. Not for a shooting this time but for a woman who'd been beaten. There was a newborn in the house, and the woman was in a bad way.
    Rylan came into the small home, little more than one room and a bedroom, and found Sabrina sitting in one corner, the baby in her arms. The emotions that rushed through him at that point were a surprise, but he didn't take time to question her. Nate had come to the bedroom door, expecting him, and Rylan went that way.
    Doctor Ertz was present, and the woman was talking a little. Rylan came in and waited while the doctor saw to her needs. He then pulled a chair close the bed.
    "I'm Pastor Rylan Jarvik. Can you tell me your name?"
    99 "Eliza," the woman whispered. "My baby..."
    "Your baby is in the other room. A friend of mine, a woman, is holding her. Would you like to see her?"
    Rylan saw the sheriff leave to get Sabrina. Rylan kept his eyes on Eliza and saw the relief when she spotted her infant, now quiet in Sabrina's arms.
    "How old is the baby?" Rylan asked.
    "Two days."
    "What's the baby's name?" Rylan asked next.
    "You need to feed her," the doctor ordered, having

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