hubbub between China and Djibouti?" None of the three answered, but the general took their meaning once again. "Gentlemen, I believe it would be best for all of us if we ended this conversation."
    "But, General—" Cal said before receiving the raised hand.
    "I will not discuss this further, and I suggest you take my lead, unless we all want to be dragged in front of some international tribunal. Now, it was a pleasure meeting you all, but I really do have a pressing schedule to get back to."
    Cal was going to protest, but Daniel grabbed his arm and pushed him towards the door.
    Once they were outside the office, Cal said, "He knows something. We were so close."
    They ignored the curious onlookers as they made their way through the headquarters building and finally found the exit. Just as Daniel was reaching for the doorknob, somebody called from behind.
    "Excuse me!" It was a fair-skinned captain, the general's adjutant. He held up a piece of folded paper for Cal. "Gentlemen, the general said you forgot this in his office." Once the piece of paper had changed hands, the peppy adjutant did an about-face and went back to his tasks.
    Cal unfolded the paper and read,
    The two visitors you are looking for are in the temporary lodging. Get them out of here as soon as you can.
    He handed the piece of paper to Daniel, and after the sniper had read it, he handed it to Dr. Higgins.
    Higgins looked up from the paper. "Well, I’d say we have quite the mystery on our hands.”

Chapter 14
    They'd been waiting around all day for word from Sergeant Peabody, and MSgt Trent was starting to get cabin fever.
    "Come on, Gaucho, let's take a walk."
    His friend looked up from the bed where he'd been watching reruns of I Love Lucy . They'd found a comfortable hotel with decent air conditioning, but the only entertainment they had was a flat screen knockoff that had only one working channel. So much for the modern amenities that had been listed on the hotel brochure.
    "We should stay here, Top. You remember what Peabody said: 'The streets aren't safe right now,' so I say we just lay low."
    Maybe it had something to do with his enormous size, but Trent wasn't good at lying low. He did what he had to, of course, but he'd rather meet a challenge head on than wait for the enemy to come to him.
    "Oh, you're just scared," Trent ribbed. "Come on. You're always saying you need some more excitement in your life."
    "I was referring to female companionship. Look what we do for a living, Top."
    Trent stood up from the armchair, and stretched. "Well, like it or not, I'm leaving. Unless you want me to get lost in this strange city, you'd better accompany me."
    Gaucho looked at Trent for a moment, as if he was wondering whether the Marine was messing with him or not. It was obvious that Trent had no intention of sitting back down. Gaucho groaned, and eased his body up off the bed.
    "You know, Top, the last time you convinced me to take a stroll in a strange city we got accosted by a couple of Filipino pimps who didn't like the way we were looking at their women."
    "That was just a little bit of fun."
    They picked a path that would take them down by the waterfront. Trent's thinking was that there would be a breeze coming from the ocean. Gaucho had fired back by saying that there had been plenty of breeze coming out of the air conditioner in their hotel room. Trent ignored the comment and kept walking.
    There definitely seemed to be more of a military presence on the streets, but they weren't hassling anyone that the pair observed. Most of the soldiers seemed to be bored, resting up against drab olive Humvees, weapons strung casually across their chests.
    They'd just passed a row of vendors yelling at each other about stealing customers when he noticed Gaucho’s body tense. Trent didn't have to ask what was going on as he doubled back right behind Gaucho

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