Running From the Vampire Into the Arms of the Wolf:
now that he’d met Melody both he and his beast were reluctant to just let her go, even though his head told him he should.
    She shivered and rubbed her arms.  He wanted to hug her, to nestle his head in her neck, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it.   Her nearness practically set him on fire, he wanted her in his arms so badly but what about her?  Did she want the same things?
    “What do you want Melody?”  His voice was quiet and a little sad.
    You, I want you.   “I... I don’t want anything... I’ve decided to leave Rose... there’s no reason to stay.”  Her own words stabbed at her heart.
    Hans saw red, his wolf snarled at the woman.  She had to be made to be submissive, she wasn’t allowed to leave.  “Fuck Melody... you come to my town and make me fall in love wit h you and then you just decide to skip out like it’s nothing?”
    She whirled round and stared at him.  He loved her?   She was taken aback by the look of longing in his eyes.  She raised a hand to his cheek to try and soothe him.  He recoiled at her touch, like he’d been burnt.
    She dropped her arm sadly.  Maybe she deserved that.  Maybe she deserved all the bad things that had happened to her.
    He looked at her with loathing.  “You cast a spell didn’t you?  You made me feel this way didn’t you?”
    She sighed, resigned to her fate.  “Whatever makes you feel better Hans.”
    He ground his jaw.  He wanted her to deny it, so say it wasn’t true.  To say that what they had was real, that she loved him and needed him. He opened his mouth as if to say something but changed his mind.  What was the point? He shook his head and quickly walked out the room.
    She sobbed a few more times into the empty room before wiping away her tears and getting back to work.
    Melody had finished the last two hours of her shift as if in a dream.  Her mind and her heart were both so heavy, she couldn’t think of anything else but Hans.  She had practically completed her shift on autopilot.
    She was walking home slowly.  Normally she rushed the whole way, but she was enjoying the cool breeze on her flushed skin.
    Hans had said he in love with her.  True he had marred that by accusing her of casting a spell to do it, but still...
    Maybe she should stay in Rose?  But he wouldn’t be satisfied until she told him everything, and she couldn’t... could she?
    She was too wrapped up in her thoughts to even notice anything was wrong.  To notice the warning tingles racing through her body.
    But the moment she heard the coldly sensual voice her heart almost st opped beating.
    “ Melanie... I’ve missed you princess ...”

Chapter Ten
    “ Melanie ...”
    Ice cold fear flooded through her body.  Please.  Dios.  No.  
    “ Melanie ...”  His sing song voice taunted her.
    She closed her eyes.  This wasn’t happening.  31 st October, Halloween.  How fitting she thought a little hysterically.
    She stood stock still, there really was no point in running.  He circled her slowly before standing in front of her.  His cruelly handsome face smiling at her.  He opened his mouth to show her his fangs.  She shivered.  She always did when she saw them.   He chuckled.  He always did .             
    “ Three long fucking months you have kept me waiting Melanie.  You will not keep me waiting a moment longer .”  His silken voice belied the fury he felt at that moment.
    He traced ice cold fingers down her cheek, wandering down to her breasts.  She whimpered at the familiar yet strange touch.
    She licked her dry lips.  “Please don’t.”
    He put one hand on her hip, the fingers pressing into her.  He flicked out a nail with his other hand and tore away the shoulder of her jacket and t-shirt, exposing her shivering skin.  She tried to squirm but he increased the pressure on her hip, tightly digging into her.  She cried out and he laughed lightly.  “ My poor little Melanie, you always know how this will turn out

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