Rules of Entanglement

Rules of Entanglement by Gina L. Maxwell

Book: Rules of Entanglement by Gina L. Maxwell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gina L. Maxwell
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was totally at peace with her crazy, and for some reason it turned his crank that much harder. Sounded like he’d be doing a lot of things to humor his eccentric pretend-bride-to-be.
    Setting his board off to the side, he crossed his arms over his chest and said, “Okay, let’s hear it.”
    “The deal is that we enter into a sexual relationship for the period of three consecutive days starting Tuesday, which is tomorrow, and after that we’ll revert back to a platonic friendship. However, because we have mutual friends, it’s almost certain that we’ll see each other in the future. So we also have to agree not to revisit any part of our sexual relationship during those times.”
    “So we can’t sleep together just for old times’ sake? Why the hell not?”
    “Because three days is three days, Jackson. Anything more than that and we run the risk of developing feelings for each other, and that’s not what either of us wants.”
    “Uh-huh. And why is that again?”
    She looked away from him, finding a sudden interest in the way she dog-eared the corner of the paper. “You’re not right for me.”
    Ouch. That stung more than he’d have thought. “Because of your rules?”
    She nodded but didn’t elaborate. He made a decision then and there that his goal for the next few days would be to figure out that list of rules and make her break as many of them as possible. She was strung too damn tight, and he was taking it upon himself to chill her the fuck out.
    “What else did you write down?”
    She shrugged one slim shoulder. “Just that during our fling neither of us messes around with anyone else, which is not only common courtesy but also to protect Reid’s and Lucie’s reputations.” Then she cut him a look from the corner of her eye. “That includes flirting, so you might want to steer clear of Jillian.”
    Jackson worked to keep a straight face and bit back the laughter roiling in his chest. He didn’t doubt her main concern was for Lucie, but he’d bet his favorite board that hints of jealousy also fueled that last comment. V had nothing to fear from an old flame, but he didn’t see any reason to point it out. After all, it wasn’t like it mattered for a few days of mutual fun.
    Stroking his jaw, he pretended to mull over her terms. He, of course, thought the strict time frame and ban on future dalliances were ridiculous, but he refused to believe those were firm rules. Even a Red Viper had the potential to be charmed.
    “All right,” he said at last. “I agree to your terms for as long as you do, on one condition.”
    “Which is what?”
    “You give me control.”
    She shook her head like he’d just told her to assassinate the president. “Rule #2.”
    He checked the sigh of frustration before it escaped. Patience. “What is it?” She sucked the center of her lip between her teeth, and if she didn’t speak soon, she’d break the skin. “V, if we’re going to make this work, I need to know what I’m dealing with. What is it?”
    “Never relinquish control.”
    Boom. That rule alone explained a hell of a lot about why she had conniptions any time he tried holding the reins. He tried to imagine what had happened in her past that would make her so adamant about something like that. Nothing he came up with could be categorized as minor, and a fierce protectiveness welled up inside him. But he also wanted to help her let some of whatever was haunting her go, and the only way for her to do that would be to face her fear and give it to him.
    “V,” he said gently, “I only want control in the bedroom, so to speak. Outside of that, you can boss me around all you want.”
    Gently. Firmly. “Yes.”
    “I can’t,” she said weakly.
    “You can. All I’m asking is you let me take the lead. I’ll never ask you to do anything you don’t want. The minute you tell me to stop, I stop. But I promise that whatever I do to you, the last thing you’ll want is for me to stop.” Jax

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