
Ruled by Caragh M. O'brien

Book: Ruled by Caragh M. O'brien Read Free Book Online
Authors: Caragh M. O'brien
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    Leon hauled himself up the ledge of Gaia’s window, peered in, and tried to make out her bed in the shadows.
    “She’s not here,” said a voice behind him.
    Leon dropped to the ground and reached instinctively for his knife.
    “It’s just me,” Peter said.
    Leon located the quiet figure in the darkness and slid his knife back in his belt. Behind Peter, the forest was impenetrably dark, but the moonlight washed the yard beside the lodge with a cool, gray hue, and glinted on the water tower above.
    “What are you doing here?” Leon said.
    “Preventing a break-in, looks like,” Peter said.
    “Very nice,” Leon said, brushing grit from his palms. “Where is she?”
    “Out and about. You must want to see her bad to come in all this way unannounced.”
    “Where?” Leon repeated.
    Peter jerked his thumb to his left. “Out on Bachsdatter’s Island. Adele’s having her baby.”
    Leon instinctively turned toward the marsh, as if he could penetrate the darkness all the way through the village and out across the water to where Gaia was now. He tried, unsuccessfully, to curb his disappointment, and started around the lodge.
    “I thought Adele planned to come into the village for the end of her pregnancy,” Leon said.
    “Turns out she didn’t,” Peter said, following him. “Bachsdatter came in for Mlass Gaia this afternoon, and she took Mlady Maudie out with her, too.”
    “So she could be out there a while.”
    “I hear that’s how childbirths go,” Peter said.
    “Did she bring Maya with her?” Leon asked.
    “Maya’s with Mlass Josephine.”
    Leon glanced up at the lodge windows, not exactly sure which one belonged to Josephine, but they were all dark and peaceful.
    “Do you want to leave a message for Mlass Gaia?” Peter asked. “You’re not having trouble with the crims, are you?”
    “No. They’re fine back on the trail,” Leon said. He could smell mint as he passed the garden fence, and it made him oddly thirsty. “I left Malachai in charge. We have another week’s worth of work to do before we come in again for more supplies.”
    “How’s that third station shaping up?”
    “It’ll be ready by September,” Leon said. “There’s time yet.”
    “Are you sure it was safe to leave the crims?” Peter asked.
    “What are they going to do? Run away?” Leon asked.
    “Circle back and attack us.”
    “On foot? With you on patrol? Not likely.”
    They came around the last corner of the lodge and the commons opened up before them.
    “Do you want to leave a message for Gaia or not?” Peter asked.
    “No. I have something I need to deliver myself.”
    Leon touched his shirt pocket where he kept a red, woven bracelet he’d made, just to check that it was still there, ready like always. For days, he’d been obsessing about Gaia. He’d been missing the way she laughed late at night when she was too revved up to sleep. Usually, he could shake the craving to see her, but this time, maybe because the moon was practically full and bright enough to show the way, he’d finally given in. He knew every meter of the trail by now, even by night, so he’d come into Sylum to find her, to be with her for a couple hours.
    Or just an hour, if that was all she had for him. He’d take whatever he could get. He grinned in the darkness. He shouldn’t rub it in. He knew he shouldn’t. Gaia for sure wouldn’t want him to.
    “Don’t worry. It’s nothing special,” Leon lied.
    Peter sent him a quick, hard look. His pace picked up. “You’d better be good to her.”
    “Or what?” Leon asked, amused. “You’ll beat my brains in?”
    “Close enough.” Peter swung up onto his horse.
    Leon was good to her. As good as he knew how. “Does she ever complain?”
    “She barely talks to me,” Peter said tightly. “How could she complain?”
    That was exactly what Leon wanted to hear. He untied his horse.
    “Where are you headed?” Peter asked.
    “Down to the beach.”

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