Ruin Me Please

Ruin Me Please by Nichole Matthews

Book: Ruin Me Please by Nichole Matthews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nichole Matthews
charming , ”   Durham drawled.   “It was one simple kiss .   I had no idea that I had to report my every mov e ment to you anyway.”   He studied his fingernails as if admiring a recent manicure.
    Freya stiffened, aghast at his response.  “How are you able to say that to me ? ”  With a suspicious hitch in her voice, she said weakly , “But of course you would say something so a b horrent .”  S he shook h er head in exasperation. “You have no heart.”
    “ How many times do you expect me to apologize? ”  Durham retorted in an angry wh i s per.  “It did not signify, Collette kissed me , I did not kiss her back .   You left before you saw the whole display.   End of story. ”
    With her c hin jutting militantly, Freya shrugged.  “How easy that is for you to say now w hen I did not witness the end of the exchange . ”
    “Freya, I am asking you to forgive me , ” Durham pleaded.
    “I have not given you leave to be so familiar with me!”  Freya practically screeched at his use of her name.  “I have advised that I will forgive your rude manners Lord Durham, but that is all ,” Freya answered frostily.  “I do not trust you.  I will never trust you again . ”
    “You do not have to act so haughty, Lady Freya , ” Durham scathingly re sponded .
    “This is by far the worst apology I have ever received . ”  Her eyes flashed .  She glanced around as if searching for some assistance from anyone.  “Begging and pleading in one brea th then insulting me once again. ”  With a toss of her head, Freya continued , “You are just upset because I did not fall at your feet at the Elmbridge Ball.  That I had the audacity to embarrass you in front of your party.”   She frowned at him. “Your conceit astounds me. ”
    “Conceit -c onceit ?   Damnation woman !”  Durham sputtered and cursed with his nostrils flaring.
    Freya stepped back.  “You are a crude, vulgar beast ,” she shouted.
    For a second, he stood there frozen.  “I did not mean to insult you, I s-s- swear,” Durham groveled stammering a little.
    “I am such a fool . ” Freya moaned a deeply bitter sound . “I should have known that the whole thing was just a ruse to you. A joke.    I was just a moment’s entertainment .   You prob a bly went back into the ballroom and bragged about our encounter to your friends over a glass of brandy . ” A choked sob escaped.  “Your devil-may-care approach to life made me feel adve n turous for a moment, but y ou obviously have not grown up .   Believe me ; I will not be fooled again . ”  Freya’s footsteps echoed as she stomped down the hall.
    “Bloody hell!”  Durham slammed his fist into the nearest wall and he grunted at the pain .  “Damn it!”
    Declan glanced over his shoulder at the familiar swish of silk behind him .  His heart gave a wild kick as he shamelessly took in Poppy’s tantalizing figure .  Her high-wasted gown of shimmering violet displayed her charms to perfec tion.  A wide silver sash ti ed directly u n der her bosom fla t tered her shapely figure .  The squared off bodice draped in white gauze was cut low over her firm, high breasts cupping them tenderly.  The glossy material float ed pro vocativ e ly about her limbs clin g ing to her body like a lover’s hands.  He could h ardly take his eyes off her.
    “I had no idea that you liked to eavesdrop, Your G race .”  Her teasing smile sent a charge of heat along his nerve endings.
    Declan deliberately arched an eyebrow.
    “What is all th e noise ?”  Her soft melodious voice inquired , c ocking one of her ey e brows .
    “ I’m tr ying not to spy on our friends.”
    “Gracious ,” s he said, peek ing over the railing . “ Who could help but be intrigued by all of their shouting?”  She leaned over the railing to catch a better glimpse.  “Freya is norma l ly so good-natured.  I can’t imagine what has gotten into her?”   She shrugged her

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