
Royce by D. Hamilton-Reed

Book: Royce by D. Hamilton-Reed Read Free Book Online
Authors: D. Hamilton-Reed
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in and took off.  Chris and Eric came running after him, “Our clubs man!”  They yelled, he stopped abruptly, “Get your fucking clubs, this is bullshit!  All of you leave me and her the fuck alone!” 
    He was angry and he drove fast back to the country club. What the fuck is wrong with them, so she doesn’t want them, so what!   I’ll always be there for her, I’ll never let them have her if she's some kind of mark, a notch on their bedpost .  He tossed his ticket to the valet, who hurriedly went to get his car when he saw the fire in his eyes and his get the hell out of my way walk.  He sped out the parking lot and he didn’t calm down until he reached home.
    The next month he saw Bobby talking up close to Joy.  He hadn’t said a word to Bobby about her since he stormed off the golf course, although Bobby had let him know often, “She’s not yours Royce, you can’t say who can and cannot have her!”   And he’d either glare at him or ignore him, but he saw Bobby up close to her, too close.  He was leaning in towards her when Patty came on the mike and made the announcement he was longing to hear.
    “If you’ve made your choice Pleasure Seekers you may find a location of your choosing, if not the night is still young,” and he walked over to Joy and Bobby.  He held out his hand and she said, “Excuse me but I must go.”  She took his hand and walked off with him and under his mask he had the most satisfied smirk on his face, accept it, she’s made her choice now leave her alone , and to him it was obvious Joy wasn’t into being with other men, and to him that wasn’t a problem.  She had chosen and it wasn’t them, and he was glad it was him.  He hated the thought if she’d chosen another.
    The next month was the same, another man was talking to Joy, not one of his group but another member and he said to him after Patty’s announcement, “Pardon me, but may I speak with her a moment,” and Joy took his hand and said, “Excuse me but my partner is here,” and he led her away. 
    He thought everything would die down but it didn’t.  He’d refused to play golf with the guys, but he still worked with Bobby who commented every chance he got, things like “She’s not your wife” Or, “It’s wrong what you’re doing.”   But after a while he grew tired of the stalemate and when the guys invited him out for drinks he accepted.  They were his friends and he’d known them a long time.
    “Let’s make amends Royce, we can’t let a woman do this to us,” Collin said and he agreed but somewhere in the night and after several rounds Collin pleaded, “Let me have her once man,” and that did it, he tossed some bills on the table and stormed off with Collin yelling after him, “Don’t leave mad Royce buddy!” 
    And while all this was going on he had Joy.  She met him every month and he would take her in his arms and love her, and he didn’t care what they said and how angry he’d been with his friends, he had Joy. 
    Tonight was a party night and he and Joy were in a room.  They’d taken off their mask and Joy had him tied to the bed, scarves tied on his wrists and ankles; he was spread eagle and Joy was sitting naked on top of him.  He liked her to tie him up.  Joy was the only woman he enjoyed this with, he was totally out of control and she unarmed him and he loved it, just loved letting her have her way with him.  He was vulnerable and he had to trust, two emotions he didn’t gravitate towards, but with Joy he relaxed and surrendered all. 
    Joy loved to tie him up and love all over him.  She leaned down and starting kissing him, she kissed his forehead and moved down his face; she cupped his face in her hands and sensually and sexily she kissed his cheeks, sucking and kissing; then she moved to the top of his nose.  Royce opened up and let her have him; he turned his face so she could have him.  He loved surrendering to her, baring his body and soul to her. 

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