Royal Bastard

Royal Bastard by Avery Wilde

Book: Royal Bastard by Avery Wilde Read Free Book Online
Authors: Avery Wilde
fainting spell that would force me to stay behind.
    Edward held open the passenger door and I half-slid, half-climbed inside his car, fidgeting with my bag as he climbed in. The interior seemed smaller when he closed the doors. He started the car and pulled it out onto the road. “No driver tonight?” I asked softly, figuring I would go with a safe topic for now.
    “Nah,” he said as he expertly shifted through the gears. “I’m to be on my best behaviour tonight, remember? I have no need to be carted around.”
    “What should I expect?” I asked, the nerves kicking in again. “I mean, is there anything I should know?” I already knew a lot about his family, but they still seemed beyond mere mortals. No commoner could even dream up what I was about to experience.
    “My brother is sort of a dork,” he said, a hint of a grin on his lips. “But he will be fine. My father is going to be surprised to see me, and my stepmother? Well, you will see about her.”
    “You didn’t tell them we were coming?” I asked. He shook his head, furthering my nausea. “I wanted to catch them off guard. That way we are on an even playing ground.”
    “Oh god, this is going to be a disaster,” I moaned, leaning back on the headrest. “Why did I even let you talk me into this?”
    He looked over then, a glint in his eye. “Come on, where’s your sense of adventure? Don’t worry, Father always saves me a seat in case I do happen to show up, and they’ll be no problem squeezing you in. It’s supposed to be my duty, remember?”
    “I hope so,” I said in a tiny voice, turning my attention to the passing scenery, praying that we’d somehow drive through a portal to another dimension instead.


    S he was nervous . I could feel her hand tremble as I took it in mine, leading her into the smallest ballroom, where the dinner would be held. Truthfully, I felt kind of like an ass for putting her through this. While I had grown used to coming to the palace and ‘crashing’ the party, per se, she was by comparison a woman who was about to have the experience of a lifetime, one that most people did not even dream of. That alone made me want to make this a good night for her. Perhaps it had been good to bring her along then.
    Looking across the room, I noticed my father and Andrew standing to the side, as well as the steady stream of guests waiting for a chance to meet my grandfather, the king. I veered away from the line and headed straight for them, seeing the looks of surprise on their faces as we approached.
    “Oh my god,” Rose breathed beside me, her hand clenching in mine. I felt the hesitation when I’d reached for it by the car, but she hadn’t said anything about it, and dammit I didn’t want to give it up. How did I ever think she wasn’t a knockout? That dress was every man’s wet dream, even though the hem of it skated along the floor. I wanted to peel it off her slowly, starting with the ties that were wrapped around her waist. The tendrils of the bow draped over that magnificent ass of hers. It was enough to make me go insane if this night did not.
    I pulled up short in front of my father, bowing my head slightly. “Father.”
    “And who is this?” he asked, arching a brow at Rose, who was standing in awe of the future king of England.
    “May I introduce Ms. Rose Mathis,” I replied, squeezing her hand lightly. “Rose, this is my father and my brother.”
    “H-how do you do, Your Royal Highnesses,” she stammered, inclining her head. Thank god she didn’t curtsey. “Thank you for having us tonight.”
    “Our pleasure,” my father responded, his expression immediately dismissing Rose and focusing on me instead. He didn’t look too pleased with me, and the scepticism gleaming in his eye was telling. “I daresay our talk has brought you around. Are you on your best behaviour tonight then?”
    I knew he was going to do this. It wasn’t enough that I was simply here, but he had to

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