Rougher Than Ever
    Copyright 2016 JT Holland
    Smashwords Edition,
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respecting the hard work of this author. WARNING: This story is intended for a mature audience only! Contains
explicit, graphic sex and language. Not intended for individuals
under the age of 18. All character are over 18 years of
    Eric Carlson is halfway through his third
bottle of wine when there’s a knock on the door of his suite.
    He takes one last swig directly from the
bottle then sets it on the table and heads over to answer the door,
the room wavering just a bit from the effects of the wine.
      Normally he goes
into these sessions relatively sober but tonight he has a different
plan; to consume as much alcohol as possible before the session
starts. Because even though he’s come a long way in the last couple
of months, Eric still has some inhibitions. He’s just wired that
way. He’s hoping that if he drinks enough he’ll be able to push
past them. He’s not sure it will work out like he’s planning, but
he figures it won’t hurt to try.
    He comes to the door and peeks out the
spyhole. Standing there is a short, fully-stacked, raven-haired
beauty wearing blue jeans and an unzipped black leather jacket with
only a lacy bra underneath, showing off her huge, glorious breasts
without absolutely no shame. With her hair cut in a sharp, edgy
style and her face caked with makeup, Tory plays up her sluttiness
to the max, which is exactly what Eric is looking for tonight. A
straight-up slut to run roughshod over.
    Eric has been through a really tough couple
of weeks and he wants to take out his anger on someone. Not too
long ago, that would have meant a phone call to Jasmine. But he’s
spent so much time with her lately that he’s starting to develop
feelings for her, which makes it harder and harder to debase her
like he used to. That’s not to say that they haven’t got freakier
with each other as time has gone on, but it their nights together
are no longer rooted in anger. Which, ultimately, is a good
    But not tonight. Tonight Eric is pissed off.
And he wants to take his rage out on someone. Which is why he
called Tory a couple of hours ago instead of Jasmine.
    He’s been with Tory once before, when she
tagged along with Jasmine for one of their sessions, so he knows
what he’s getting. But because he doesn’t have any feelings towards
her, it’s easier to see her as just a fucktoy, which means he won’t
have to worry about conflicting emotions when he’s treating her
like shit.
    Tory knows exactly what she’s getting into
tonight. Eric made that quite clear to her on the phone. And she’s
fine with it. Looking forward to it, actually. Or so she says,
which is good enough for Eric.
    He opens the door and lets Tory in and
closes the door behind her.
    “ I wasn’t expecting to
hear from you again,” Tory says as she crosses the room towards the
table with the bottle of wine sitting on it. “I figured you’d give
Jasmine a call whenever you wanted a night like this.”
    “ Normally I would,” Eric
says. “But I was in the mood for something different
    “ Don’t get me wrong,” Tory
says, “It’s fine with me. I was just surprised, that’s all.” She
picks up the bottle of wine. “Do you mind if I have
    “ Be my guest. I’ll get you
a glass.”
    “ Don’t bother,” Tory says.

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