Rough Ride CV4
we’re headed in the same direction that I do.”
    Ezra groaned and sealed their lips together. His heart felt like it would burst with the amount of love it contained. Delving his tongue in deep, he tried his best to communicate his feelings.
    After several long moments, he broke the kiss. “I don’t want to ever spend another day without you. Is that the answer you were looking for?” Wyn smiled. “Yeah, that’ll do.” Wyn picked at Ezra’s snap-front shirt. “I want to sell my house and move out here.”
    Whoa. That was totally the opposite of what he’d been thinking only minutes earlier.
    “You can’t sell your house. You love that place. I can always move into town with you.”
    “The house is just a house. Yeah, it’s nice, but it’s not what I need to be happy. I can get that right here with you, if you’ll have me?” Ezra stretched out on top of Wyn. “I’d give anything to have you here, babe, you know that. Are you sure you won’t mind driving into town every day?” Wyn shook his head. “I won’t have to. I plan to work a couple of mornings a week. I gave Gavin the go ahead to hire someone part time to help him out.”
    “Wow, you’ve really been busy.”

    Carol Lynne

    Wyn chuckled and thrust up against Ezra. “We’re not getting any younger. Besides, if we do this club thing, it’ll take up even more of our time.” Ezra reached down and unzipped his jeans, before going to work on Wyn’s dress slacks. The feel of their cocks, skin to skin was enough to have him moan as he kissed his man again. “I talked to Richard earlier. He’ll be ready to move up by the end of summer to take over the club duties. Won’t be much to do yet except oversee how our dollars are being spent, but it’ll free us up and give him something to do.” Wyn squirmed under him and tore open Ezra’s shirt. “Can we talk about this later?” Wyn asked, pinching Ezra’s nipples.
    Ezra grunted his reply and started a hard fast rub against Wyn’s cock. As much as he wanted inside his lover, it would have to wait. He could already feel his balls draw up as Wyn sucked a bruise on his neck. “Gonna,” he panted.
    He hoped like hell Wyn didn’t have on another of his expensive shirts as his cum jetted from his cock. Gasping, Wyn dug his fingers into Ezra’s back as he fell over the edge.
    Collapsing to the side as much as he could, Ezra’s eyes drooped. “We’re a couple of horny old farts, you know that?”
    “Hmmm,” Wyn agreed before they both dropped off to sleep.

    * * * *

    Saturday morning, Wyn helped Ezra with his tie. “You look so handsome,” he said.
    “I look ridiculous,” Ezra griped. “People are going to fall over in a dead faint when they see me coming.”
    Wyn stepped back and surveyed his work. The grey suit he’d specially ordered fit Ezra perfectly. The white shirt and blue tie completed the outfit with class. He doubted that anyone had ever seen his man looking so damn hot.
    He fingered Ezra’s hair, noticing it was starting to get long again. Ezra must’ve taken his touching as a sign of disapproval.
    “Sorry, I was going to get it cut, but the weekend snuck up on me.” Wyn shook his head. “You don’t need it cut. I like it.” He grabbed a handful and pulled Ezra’s head down for a kiss. “See, better than reins.” ROUGH RIDE
    Carol Lynne

    Ezra slapped Wyn’s ass and chuckled. “You can ride me all you want, but don’t compare me to a horse.”
    Laughing, Wyn ran his hand over the front of Ezra’s suit pants. He felt Ezra’s cock growing harder the more he played. “Stallion. Is that better?” Although Ezra’s cock could probably beat a lot of horses Wyn had known. And it was all his, every last inch.
    He got so carried away he started to unzip Ezra’s pants.
    “Wyn? Didn’t you say this wedding was at two?” With an exaggerated sigh, Wyn looked at the bedside clock. “Damn.” Ezra stepped back and kissed him. “Later it’s all

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