Rose Blossom

Rose Blossom by Renee Travis

Book: Rose Blossom by Renee Travis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Renee Travis
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Julian. He's dangerous! Please believe me," he tried to block my path when I tried to walk past him.
                  "Athol, back off, go away," I gave him a little shove and walked away, he followed me closely. I was upset; if Athol was with me when Julian showed up he would be furious.
                  "You'll get hurt if you stay with him Rhodanthe, it's in your best interest to break up with him," Athol warned me. I tried to walk faster but the last thing I needed was for Athol to be with me and to have an attack when Julian saw me. All I could do was hope Julian was late.
                  But it seemed luck was not with me, when we rounded the corner, Athol was still muttering my ear off and there was Julian leaning against the front of his truck waiting for me. The look in his eyes when they focused on Athol was one of the scariest things I had ever seen. The same darkness over shadowed his face, it was like being in the presence of a wild animal.
                  I went to him and wrapped myself around him; I could feel the tension leaking off of every inch of him, "Please don't be upset I didn't ask him here he followed me." I murmured into his ear. He relaxed but barely, then pushed me off of him and walked away from us.

              My heart began to race, the blood left my face and my breathing became a bit irregular as I heard the deep foreboding warning growl that issued from Julian's throat.
                  "If you knew what was best you'd leave and stop bothering Rhodanthe, Athol," Julian's voice might have been quiet but it was deadly.
                  "I will tonight, but you won't always be around," Athol looked a little scared but his voice came across as threatening. He turned and ran off.
                  Not even a second after Athol disappeared into the night Julian had turned around and was cupping my face, meeting my eyes with his own. He looked normal again and I was too afraid to ask about the shadow I'd seen.
                  "Breathe my Rose blossom, breathe. I know your mom invited him tonight. I am not angry with you, nor could I ever be. Do not worry. However," his face became more intense, "I implore you, please be more careful, there is something not right about Athol."
                  I rested my head on his chest for a few moments so I could settle down. Then before I even knew what had happened I was in the Ford, buckled and Julian was pulling away from the curb.
                  "Man! Julian would you not use those weird vampire powers on me!" I exclaimed.  He just laughed, giving me the brilliant smile that made my heart flutter in a not so bad way.
                  "Now there is something you should know; while Loretta, Avalon and I drink mainly animal blood, Antoinette does not," Julian began to tell me. I had pretty much figured it out however, piecing together what Avalon had told me with when I had met them all.
                  "She is allergic to animal blood, it's rare but it does happen, but I assure you, she is well fed tonight and you are safe," he reached a hand out and took mine, "I would never let anything happen to you." The ferocity in his eyes warmed me.
                  "I know Julian," I smiled and raised his hand to my lips. Curious though as to what Antoinette DID drink. So I asked.
                  “Oh, willing donors, you’d be surprised at how good feeding can feel. She takes what she needs and leaves no memory of her presence behind.” Julian acted like it was the simplest thing in the world. I was just glad she didn’t kill anyone.
                  We reached our destination, I got out of the truck and gasped, it was a moon lit swimming hole!
                  "I didn't bring a suit Julian!" I pouted at him as he came around to my side. But I should have known better,

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