Room to Breathe

Room to Breathe by Nicole Brightman

Book: Room to Breathe by Nicole Brightman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Brightman
and her light strawberry blonde hair is pulled back into a messy bun. She has a round face with rosy cheeks. She greets Eric like he is a long lost relation.
    “Hello, Aggie. How are you?” Eric greets her back, standing to kiss her cheek.
    “I am better than I could’ve expected,” she says beaming at him. Clearly he comes here more than I thought. “I wish you would have phoned first. I would’ve whipped up something special.”
    “Aggie everything you make is something special,” he gives her one of his heart stopping smiles. I can see the color rise in her cheeks.
    “Well aren’t you just full of flattery,” she responds playfully swatting at his arm. “It is enough for me to forgive your poor manners. Who is this lovely young woman with you?”
    “Oh of course, I apologize. Aggie, this is Cora Allen. Cora, this is Aggie Thomas.”
    “Please to meet you,” I say offering my hand which she takes right away.
    “You too, my dear. Oh goodness, you’re American,” she smiles broadly at me. I am not sure if she thinks that is a bad or a good thing. I have found about an even mix here in England.
    “I hope that is okay,” I smile back nervously.
    “Oh it is wonderful. It means there is a better chance of you having enough spunk to deal with his Lordship here. I had been hoping he would meet a nice girl that was strong enough for him.”
    “Aggie, you won’t be happy until you have me married off,” Eric responds shaking his head.
    “I am sorry to disappoint you, Aggie, but we are just friends,” I say as lightly as possible.
    “Well maybe for now,” she replies with a wink at me. Eric scowls at me slightly across the table. “I take it you would like a bowl of soup,” she motions to Eric.
    “Yes, of course,” he answers the smile returning to his face.
    “I will have the same,” I add.
    “Perfect. I will be right back with that and drinks,” Aggie says heading to the kitchen.
    “She didn’t ask us what we wanted to drink,” I realize.
    “It will be milk or at least for me it will be. Aggie is worried that since I am a bachelor I am going to die of malnutrition.”
    “Oh, that makes sense. She seems sweet.”
    “She is great. I was glad we found her and that she wanted to run the tea shop.”
    “What do you mean ‘we’? Don’t tell me you own this place?” If he tells me he owns a castle on top of everything else I will pass out.
    “Oh, no. I just helped with the restoration and opening of this place,” he shrugs like that is everyone’s normal chore for the day.
    “Oh, well if that is all,” I roll my eyes at him. Before I can ask him anything else Aggie returns. She is carrying a tray with two bowls of soup, a basket of bread, two glasses of water, and a glass of milk for Eric.
    “Thank you,” I say as she places everything on our little table. She nods and walks back towards the kitchen. The soup is chicken with dumplings. It is fantastic and I may have to start driving up here just for soup.
    As we eat, Eric fills me in on the history of the surrounding area. I love listening to him talk. His voice is so comforting I swear I could listen to him reading the dictionary and be captivated. When we both finish, Aggie shows up with a to-go bag with a treat for later.
    “Aggie, thank you so much. That really was the best soup I have ever had,” I tell her as I stand.
    “Oh you are very welcome. Please come back anytime,” she smiles at me.
    “She will. No one can stay away from you for too long, Aggie,” Eric grins at her. Blushing Aggie heads back to the kitchen where someone is calling her name. “Are you ready to leave?”
    “Not yet. Would you want to go wander through the gift shop?” I have always been a sucker for gift shops.
    “Sure,” he says placing his hand on my back as we cross the tea shop to the attached shop.
    There are the usual souvenirs you would expect to find. Shirts, mugs, racks of post cards, and books all about the castle. There are also general

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